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-Byeol's Backstory-
As a child, Byeol would always be running around and flashing a grin at every person that she'd met. It was as if she only saw goodness in the world, there was no such thing as evil in her eyes. She was a kind and cheerful child that brought happiness to everyone around her. However, those days were short-lived. As Byeol grew older and more and more popular, her closest friends all began to turn their backs on her as they grew jealous of her beauty and they hated how their crushes would always end up falling for her. From that point on, Byeol's life took a turn for the worse. Her parents found out that she'd been crying and that she was going out less and she wasn't smiling as much as she used to. Her parents began fighting, blaming each other for her misfortunes. Yelling, screaming and crying was all she ever heard each time she stepped into her home. Her home which was meant to be the one place where she was supposed to feel warm, safe and protected, had turned into a place no worse than hell. The people she loved and the people that she once trusted had all abandoned her. She was alone, in a cruel and unforgiving world. She hated the world she lived in, she hated the world which betrayed and turned it's back on her. The child which once saw the world through coloured lenses was no more.

-Jimin's Backstory-
Jimin grew up in a warm and loving environment. His parents always spoiled him with a lot of gifts and love and they were always kind to him. They believed in him and trusted him no matter what because they were proud of their son and wanted him to be happy. At school, he was always surrounded by friends and people who loved and admired him. He never knew the feeling of loneliness or the like because he was someone who was adores and treasured by those around him. When he started dating Min-Young, he grew happier and happier because she would always shower him with hugs and kisses and he knew that he could turn to her if anything were to go wrong. She was his rock and support, the one person that kept him going no matter what obstacle blocked his path. He loved her more than anything in the world, possibly even more than his life. Her betrayal and their break up came as a shock to him; he always believed that no matter how much they fought, they would always make up and everything would be better. However, he was wrong.....so wrong. His most precious treasure had been taken away from him and he was helpless to stop it. Funny, how the world works. One day you could be best friends, lovers, you could mean everything to each other, but the next day, you could be nothing but strangers with broken hearts and broken promises.
I thought it everything would make more sense if I uploaded their backstory. Like why Byeol has such a pessimistic view on everything and why Jimin thinks the way he does. If this makes you even more confused then I'm sorry :')

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