"And you'll get them"

Florence kissed Cooper's head suddenly feeling closer to her than she ever had, could she really leave her oldest friend?

They stayed snuggled up on the sofa for half an hour before Cooper spoke.

"When are you telling your parents?"

"When I feel like the time is right you know, I can't spring it all on them, but I think they'll understand"

"And Cole?"

This was the worst question.

"He's still recovering at the hospital, I'm going to go see him later on today but I feel like this is better for him, he'll be able to get better, slowly recover his memories without me there complicating things"

Cooper raised one perfect eyebrow.

"Do you actually believe that?"

Florence wavered, did she believe that?

"I guess I do... this whole situation is just so messed up, I don't want a relationship right now, I really don't"

"Okay" Cooper replied simply.

And this was why she loved her friend so very much, she could have pushed her or made her talk more about the hard things but instead she let her be, she knew Florence had her reasons and wasn't going to pester or plead.

She left an hour later, her heart feeling lighter than it had when she entered, as long as things were okay with the two of them the world turned as normal. She had barely thought about the possibility that she might not get in, which was quite conceited of her, but because of her qualifications in the writing department she doubted that Colchester would turn her down.

She prayed they wouldn't, imagine what an embarrassment it would be to go around telling everyone that she was leaving and then not leave at all.

This was what she wanted, it was.

If she said it enough times surely it would start sounding true to her own ears.

Florence picked up a box of chocolates on her way up to the hospital, you were meant to give sick people some kind of gift right?

When she entered the room Cole and Charlie had their heads bent very close together, Charlie's mascara seemed to have found its way all down her face and Cole looked paler than he had yesterday.

It seemed like she shouldn't be interrupting, Cole looked over Charlie's photo and caught her eye.

"Hi there, Florence" 

The name sounded alien coming out of his mouth now, his voice unsteady and unsure.

Florence waved the box of chocolates madly.

"I bought chocolates!"


Charlie pulled away and took the box, handing it to Cole.

"You didn't have to" he said, but looked pleased nonetheless.

"So how's your recovery coming along?"

She wouldn't meet his eyes, she wouldn't.

"Good, really good the Doctor's think by the end of the week I'll be able to come home"

Home, was the flat really Cole's home?

Was it her home?

"Excuse me for a minute"


Florence walked rapidly down the corridor leaving behind two highly confused people and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her breathing hard.

Deep breaths in, deep breaths out, don't lose control.

Deep breaths in, deep breaths out, don't lose control

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Descent (Dysmorphia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now