"Hmmm.... why are you crying? You deserve to die. You wanted to steal him away from me!" My eyes went dark as I pulled the knife away from her neck and began to stab it into her stomach. "I won't let you do that though! He's mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" I continued to shout, smiling each time I heard her scream or cry out in pain.

Finally I stopped, wiping some of the blood off my face, causing it to smear. I stood up, dragging Kayano's body out of the shed and into a pre dug hole. After I finished burying her body I went back to the shed and cleaned up. Once I got back home I burned my clothes and got into the shower, watching as the water turning red as it went down the drain.

"I'll have you to myself one day.... Nagisa."


Once Nagisa got home from school he cleaned around the house, making sure everything was perfect before his mother got home.

It was better for him to be obedient then to be bad and get punished. After a while though Nagisa became immune to the name's she'd call him and the beatings shed dole out.

"Nagisa." His mother sternly said as she walked into the apartment. Her lips formed a smile as she looked around the house pleased at the cleanness.

"I ran into a friend of yours on the way home." She said before Karma walked into the apartment.

"Heyo Nagisa~" he said as he closed the door behind him. He had a smirk on his face, one that made Nagisa feel uneasy.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go clean up. Make yourself at home Mr.Akabane." Nagisa's mom said as she walked to her room.

"W-what are you doing here Karma?" Nagisa awkwardly asked as he rubbed his arm anxiously.

Karma didn't reply, instead he pushed Nagisa onto the couch hovering over him with a devious look. He leaned in closer whispering in Nagisa's ear.

"She hurts you doesn't she Nagi-Chan?"

"W-what?" Nagisa's face became flustered as he looked away.

"She won't anymore, don't worry." Karma got off of Nagisa, seconds later Ms.Shiota walked in.

"What are we talking about?" She smiled trying to join the conversation.

Karma looked up and smiled, tilting his head innocently. "Actually, we were talking about you." He stated before walking up to her and punching her in the face. (get rekt)

"Karma!" Nagisa shouted from the couch frozen in fear as he watched Karma kneel next to his mom.

Karma looked back at Nagisa who was now trembling and on the verge of tears. He smiled at him before saying "it's okay Nagi-Chan~ she won't hurt you again."

Nagisa was now crying as he watched Karma continue to punch and slap his mother. Her face was bloody but she was still conscious.

"Get... off." She whispered angrily as she flipped over so she was on top of Karma.

He laughed before kneeing her in the stomach and standing back up. Nagisa sat there frozen in fear, tears still falling from his eyes.

One final blow and his mother was finally knocked out, not dead though.

"P-please stop!" He managed to get out before fully breaking down. Karma walked over to him and pulled him into a hug kissing the top of his head. "It's alright." Nagisa was scared of Karma but still comforted by his words.

"Now~" karma muttered standing back up again. He placed a cloth over Nagisa's mouth holding it there until he blacked out.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as memories of what had previously happened flashed into my mind.

Karmagisa Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें