I said I'd Keep You Safe, Right?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Seokjin Oppa: Please don't be mad at him.

I take a deep breath, which sounds like a gunshot in this stale aired car.

Me: Ok Oppa, Sorry. I think I over reacted...

Seokjin Oppa: It's ok [Name]-ah, really.

Me: Seokjin Oppa you always treat me so kindly I wish I could do something for you in return >.<

My mother parks the car. "We're here." She says, unbuckling her seatbelt. She begins getting out of the car and I quickly say goodbye to Seokjin and get ready to see Mingyu.

We walk into a cinema, not a place my parents would take me normally. Not a place I'd ever expect them to give me for an arranged marriage date. It's dirty and full of germs. That's what they'd tell me growing up when I'd ask to go with a friend, which is why I didn't have many friend growing up, I could never hang out with them. My parents would always find an issue with it.

"He's a boy," or "The parents aren't physically fit, they'll fatten you up if you go over." Dumb shit like that EvErY DaMn TiMe!!!

I breathe out as we walk towards the snack bar where I spot the Kim's. I've had so much on my mind, I need to calm down or else I'll open my mouth to speak and completely flip. My mother and Mingyu's mother bow and greet each other, then Mingyu and my mother greet. I bow to Mrs. Kim, and then to Mingyu, as politely as possible.

"Mrs. [Last Name], I love how your daughter bows so deeply to Mingyu-ah, even though he'ss younger. She's so respectful. They'll make a lovely pair, don't you think?" Mrs. Kim asks, chuckling at the end of her words along with my mother, who makes icy eye-contact with me for just a second.

Mingyu looks at the ground, red tinting his cheeks. "Yes, I completely agree, Mrs. Kim." Mother says as they walk away.

"Uh..." I hesitate. I don't know what's happening. I hope Mingyu has tickets, I don't. I don't even know what movie we're seeing, or if we're just going to stand at the snack bar for hours.

Mingyu holds out a movie ticket, I take it and thank him for it at i ready the movie title. 'The Beauty Inside,' I've heard of it, it's not super recent but I've never heard a bad review and have been wanting to see this for ages. (real movie, great movie, I suggest it highly. Get your tissues -Author-Nim)

I fill with excitement, smiling brightly at Mingyu, who does not look quite as happy.

"T-The film will start soon, My mother bought us a large lemonade to share. I'll show you to the theater." She says shakily. I wonder if he just learned about all of the arrange-marriage bullshit too?

We walk in as ads come on. We're early, barely anyone is in the theater. He takes my hand, feeling his soft hand shake lightly in mine, I'm glad I'm not the only one freaking out. He takes me to a further back row. I start to wonder how much of this his mother told him to do.

When I left last time we were friends, now we're back to awkward strangers. I feel a need to tell him that I'll only ever see him as a friend and yes, this is arranged, but I refuse and it's nothing against him. "M- Mingyu-ah..." I start. I look at him but... He doesn't look back at me. Instead, I feel his hand on mine again, his fingers intertwining with mine.

He looks extremely nervous, mortified almost. "M- Mingyu," I say sterner, I need to tell him now.

He turns to me and puts a sly smirk on, a side of him I'd never seen until now and honestly...... It's kinda hot. He may be attractive but still, I've made up my mind that I cannot do this. I'm so young too, who knows who I'll meet. Maybe the next big k-pop group! I won't know until it happens, I cannot be with Mingyu. "Mingyu, you're an amazing guy but... Li-" Before I can finish, something... happens.

Reasons To Smile (BTS x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ