Signs as uncommon words

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Aries: resfeber- (n.) thrill felt before an adventure

Taurus: accubation- (n.) the act of eating or drinking while laying down

Gemini: trepverter- (n.) a witty response or comeback you think of only after it's too late to use

Cancer: selcouth- (adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet wonderful

Leo: ensorcell- (v.) to enchant or fascinate someone

Virgo: vellichor- (n.) the strange wistfulness of used bookshops

Libra: apricity- (n.) the warmth of the sun in wintertime

Scorpio: quidnunc- (n.) someone who always wants to know what's going on

Saggitarius: balter- (v.) to dance artlessly but with enjoyment

Capricorn: psithurism- (n.) the sound of wind rustling leaves

Aquarius: astral- (adj.) of or relating to the stars

Pisces: abderian- (adj.) given to idiotic or incessant laughter

These words are awesome, wow

Zodiac SignsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang