Signs Archetypes in Action Movies

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Aries- That character that can't wait to go on an adventure, even though everyone else tells them to move with caution. The one that pushes people, for good or for bad. Hot headed, protective and spirited. One of the first to fight through dangerous situations.

Taurus- The character that wants a simple life, only for some kind of chaos to ensue completely out of their control. They make reserved company, only for strength and stamina to arrive when they really need it. Sensible and dry humoured. Admires physical delights, materialistic.

Gemini- The trickster character, changeable and witty, always ready to trip people up, prince or pauper. They will be the mischievous one, the one with sparkly eyes and a way of looking at life with much curiosity. Intelligent and communicative.

Cancer- The character that nurtures the others around them, that provides support, yet will also react strongly to the events that take place. Intuitive and receptive to others, they will make strong bonds in even the most unlikely of circumstances.

Leo- A just leader, yet with underlying egoism, Leo would be the loyal and brave character with assertion yet warmth. They could have a bit of a hero complex, but would be committed to protecting the vulnerable. Theatrical and humerous.

Virgo- A cautious character, worrying about the health and well being of the ones around them. They would also be a brainiac of the group, seeing logic and patterns that many would miss. Yet this all partakes with grace and sensible qualities.

Libra- A character wonderful at calming tense situations and arguments, exceptionally talented at bringing a sense of ease into the mix. They are diplomatic, charming, and are able to make themselves a match to many people. The primped one or the dandy.

Scorpio- An enigma character, someone that is not easy to get a grasp of when first meeting them. They may turn out completely different later in the story, yet throughout, they are talented at dispelling situations. They have emotional intelligence and raw expression.

Sagittarius- Wonderful with humour and adventure with a certain lightness radiating from them. Recklessness and irresponsible qualities may follow, yet they always manage to make you fond of them despite this. Like Gemini, they may take on the role of the trickster.

Capricorn- The character with the solid plan, the support system for many of the other characters, also the one to be relied on. There is wisdom, maturity, dry wit and lessons that come with this character, yet also an old soul and melancholic expression.

Aquarius- The rebellious character, often doing exactly what they have been told not to. They are cerebral, intelligent and eccentric, often adoring shaking things up, especially archaic qualities and systems. May come across as somewhat anarchic and insensitive.

Pisces- The character that seems somewhere else entirely, yet is also infused with wisdom. They are likely compassionate and sensitive, yet may get forced into unfortunate situations due to rose tinted glasses. If they were one of the seven dwarfs, they would be sleepy.

Whoa this is long

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