"I'll grab you a shirt and some underwear," he ran over to the closet and threw me some clothes. It was a pair of socks, a long dress shirt, and some blue underwear. The weather was definitely warmer than last year. I slid into the clothes and plummeted back onto the bed, just beside Ben. I held him in my arms as he opened his big, brown eyes,

"He looks just like you did when you were a baby, except he's a brunette," I looked into Chris' eyes before he crawled over and set me and Ben in his arms,

"Yeah, sorta. He has your lips though," he replied and grabbed Ben's hand,

"He has your everything else, probably your height too," I laughed,

"Wasn't he only about 18 inches? I was about 23," he kissed his tiny fingers, "What about you?" 

"Honestly, I don't know. When my mom was around, she told me that I was exactly like her," I snuggled closer to Chris, "But that was over a decade ago," I felt my eyes burn from tears, but I held them in,

"She sounded really nice,"

"She was,"


It's been a couple hours and we're hanging out in the kitchen. We made some pancakes for breakfast, but it's already lunch. So I guess we're having brunch. I hopped off the chair and Chris ran up to me, making sure I don't fall, "I'm fine, don't worry about me,"

"Jeez, who knew two hours could wear you out like that?" he smirked and carried me to the couch, "Food's almost done, just chill with Ben," he kissed my forehead and brought Ben over. I played with him and his giraffe as Chris cooked. I tickled Ben and smothered lotion over his skin, making him smoother. His smile is so precious to me, I love it.

After breakfast, we decided to go to the mall. We set up Ben's small stroller, then walked on in. The mall was huge with a whole bunch of people walking, talking, dancing, shouting, and even singing. We walked into a baby store and looked around for a bit, deciding on getting some toys, we paid and left. I smelled something very, very familiar. It's a scent that I feel like I've lived with, but I don't know where it's coming from. Strange.

My legs still wobble from time to time, so some people stare awkwardly. The scent still lingers around, though I don't dare to tell Chris, he'll think I'm crazy. I tried to convert my thoughts from it, but it's so familiar! I feel like I should know, but I just can't put my finger on it. I came back to my senses when Chris placed his hand on my lower back, "Are you okay?" he asked,

"I-I'm fine," I said as we walked through the store,

"If you're sore, I can carry you and push Ben," he offered,

"Chris, I'm okay. Don't worry about me," I let out a pitiful smile and Chris kissed my temple,

"Okay, but if you aren't, just let me know," he crouched down to Ben and took him out,

"What are you doing?" I questioned,

"I wanted to carry him," he pulled his little hat over his ears and kissed his forehead,

"Oh," I mumbled and continued to push the empty stroller. He slithered his other arm around my waist. This is my family. This is my nice, happy, sweet, loving family.

We walked into the main area, some girls were ogling over Chris. I felt my breaths get shaky before slipping away from him and heading to the girls, "Baby!" Chris followed after me. I waited until I was right in front of them before opening my mouth,

"Keep your eyes off of him! He has a wife!" I growled lowly. One of the three stood up to me and took her lollipop out,

"I don't see a ring," she looked back at Chris, who was right behind me, and smirked,

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