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Athena's POV

I locked myself in our bedroom. I've never felt to hurt in my entire life. That is the reason I don't trust people, they just stab me in the back. 

I stormed into the bathroom and grabbed a shaving razor. Chris threw my blades out, so I compromised. I broke the blades out of the razor and held them in my hand, "Open this God-damned door!" Chris roared,

"No!" I cried. The door started shaking, and so did I. I quickly took the blades to my wrists and cut,

"I can smell your blood. Baby, I'm so so-"

"Go away!" I hissed. The door shook violently,


"Go!" I cried heavily as Chris rammed into the door. "Please just... go," I threw my arms over the tub, letting the blood drip out. 

The door burst off its hinges, "Athena! Holy shit! Shit shit shit! Oh my God, baby, this is all my fucking fault! I'm so so so so so sorry! Baby girl, no!" he held me up, but I wriggled away from him. I continued to cut as Chris held me,

"Let me go! Please! Please. Please...." I begged. Chris took the blades out of my hand and placed them on the sink. I squirmed around, getting blood on all of our clothes, "Go away! Please just leave me alone! Go," I fought and struggled with his every touch. 

I gave up the fight, and Chris held me, "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I was shaking,

"Go away," I cried. Chris took his shirt off and attempted to place it on my newest scars. I tried to escape again, but Chris held me,

"Athena, let me help you. It's the least I could do," I relaxed and leaned against the wall. He wrapped my new cuts very gently. I pulled my arms away and tried to stand up. Chris grabbed me by my waist and hauled me back down,

"Please just let me go!" I cried. He held me tight as I struggled every second. My limbs flew everywhere, but Chris countered it. 

"Baby, please stop cutting. Please," he hugged me and placed my head on his cheek,

"You're the one who told me to," I mumbled. Chris' breaths became shaky and short,

"I didn't mean any of that! My anger took over, I'm sorry! God, I didn't think you'd actually do it! I was so damn proud of you, you progressed so far!"

"So what am I to you? A disappointment? An annoying, irritating, ugly, pathetic, needy bitch? Just go away," My voice shook. Tears and blood stained my face and Chris'. I started to struggle again, accidentally punching him on the cheek with a lot of force. Accidentally. "Go away! P-please, I need space. Leave me alone,"

"I know what might help. One second," he unraveled his shirt from my wrists, and gently licked the blood off,

"What the hell! Are you a vampire or something? S-stop!" I tried pulling my wrists away again, but Chris held me tighter,

"Mate," Lick, "Bond," Lick, "Heals," Gentle suck, "By," Lick, "Saliva," Lick, "On cuts." He started to do the same on the other arm. 

"Stop! The entire fucking point is to get me to bleed!" I roared and pulled my arms away,

"I started this, I'm ending this. Athena, let me-" I pushed him away with my legs, and ran to the door,

"I don't even want you to touch me!" I ran into the house. I didn't know where to go, so I hid underneath the sink.

My breathing hitched into short, quick breaths. I covered my mouth and cried. His loud footsteps told me exactly where he was. Right now, he was in the living room, "Athena, baby. Come on. I'm so so fucking sorry! You know I don't like hide-and-seek," he stopped moving and waited. The anticipation was killing me. Maria was screaming in my head, telling me to accept his apology. I couldn't, not after what he had just done. I know he may have saved me and gave me everything and more, but words are stronger than actions.

Chris growled and the entire house shook, "Come on! I'm sorry okay!"

You say that every time, then you go and yell at me, cheat on me, hurt me, again! Just leave me alone.

Where are you? I need to make this right. Please just talk to me.

I used to be able to, but now I'm scared. 

Of what, baby girl. I can fight it away.

No, you can't.

What are you afraid of?


I stayed in my spot for another five minutes before Chris walked into the kitchen. I peeked through the cupboard and saw him. His face was a pale red, he was crying, blood everywhere. He was looked around the house for me. His feet walked right by me a couple times but never opened. The worst feeling came to me, I had to sneeze. My nose tickled and itched, waiting for the sneeze to erupt. Then it happened. I sneezed. 

Chris ran to the sink and opened the cupboard underneath, "Athena! Oh God. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry! You don't know how much I love you! Please, please! Stop hurting yourself!" He hoisted me onto the counter and stood between my legs, 

"Let me go! I need to be alone right now," I roared, flailing my body around, 

"You can't be alone anymore. I don't trust you," He held the back of my head, making me wince,

"Can I at least go and clean the bathroom?" I pushed him away from me, making me sadder, "Where are the supplies?" I asked,

"Baby, you don't have to clean it up. I will," he took off, but I stood in front of him,

"I can do it. Don't think of me like a princess, I used to do this every damned day!" 

"Athena. Don't bring your past up, it's horrible what they did to you. Talking about it makes you remember all the bad stuff, and I don't want you to remember," he crouched to my height, "I love you so much," He hugged me, "Don't push me away. Please," Chris' head tucked into my shoulder. His hold was so loving and gentle, but I still couldn't forgive him yet. I stood with my arms at my sides but curled my head around his. 

I pushed him away again and ran into another bathroom since the master had no door. I heard the front door slam and the entire house was quiet. I walked around the house, "C-Chris?" I looked around the entire house, "Hello? A-are you there?" I yelled. Nothing absolute silence, "Chris. I'm sorry! Please come here!" I cried. Where did he go? 



If you miss Chris... Please be sure to-



and Follow!

    ~ Mia <3

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