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As she straightened out the hem of her black, sequined tank top, Normani turned to her side, just enough to check and see how her new jeans fit. Normani admired the skinny jeans, grateful for the way they draped over her curvier bottom half. The girl gave herself another once over in the mirror before flipping her hair, pulling a poker face as she grabbed her purse, clacking her heels against the hardwood floor.

Earlier this morning, Normani took advantage of her Saturday morning by visiting the local supermarket. Over the past week, she hadn't found time to restock her refrigerator, and spent most of her meals behind the wheel of her newly paid off vehicle. The college life was sucking the fun out of her days, and getting out to go to the local Wal-Mart was probably the highlight of her week.

This trip was a bit different than the usual milk and bread run. While Normani was waiting in line to get a package of ham sliced, someone tapped on her shoulder. When she looked over her shoulder, it was like all the air had been sucked out of the room, because right behind her stood her ex boyfriend.

The boy let out a chipper greeting, and asked the usual small talk questions. Normani answered shortly to all of his queries, and then the golden phrase sat between them both.

"Do you want to catch up over dinner tonight?" The ex boyfriend asked, hands clasped in front of him as he stared Normani down in a way that she could only describe as nostalgic.

Biting her lip, Normani didn't want to let her old flame down, but then again, they had been dead for a while. She hadn't seen Arin since high school, and their relationship ended on mutual terms. She decided that maybe they could try to be friends, and she agreed, jotting down her number on a post it note.

So now here Normani stood, looking absolutely flawless for herself, and not her so called date. Normani had suffered through a pretty busy week, and now she had a chance to go out with an old friend, and hopefully drink just enough cocktails to get a good night's sleep.

In her excited haze, Normani grabbed her brand new purse and swung it over her shoulder, delighted at how partial the bag felt compared to her satchel for school. It wasn't until Normani closed the door behind her and walked about ten steps away from her apartment that she realized she hadn't grabbed the keys before she left.

Heart suddenly jumping from her chest into her throat, Normani dashed back to the door of her apartment, grasping the door handle tight. Normani stood there, whispering curses under her breath as she tried to jiggle the knob open, but she remembered the door locked by itself. For once, Normani shamed herself for being too cautious of break ins and other unlikely happenings.

"Dammit," Normani mentally slapped herself, trying to think of a way to get access back to her apartment without having to call a locksmith.

Then Normani remembered that she left her bedroom window slightly cracked, just enough to let fresh air into her apartment after she indulged on Chinese food the night previous. Scheming up a quick plan, Normani recalled that there was a balcony outside of her apartment, and it could be reached from the apartment left of hers.

Without putting much thought into it, Normani pounded the palm of her hand on the apartment door next to hers, and waited for someone to answer.

The music playing inside of the complex was shut off, and footsteps could be heard padding toward the front door. Normani tapped her foot anxiously as she impatiently waited outside of her neighbors door.

After what seemed like a century, the doorknob finally turned and the door came unlatched, revealing a shockingly gorgeous girl. Dirty blonde waves cascaded over her caramel skin, a peach colored crop top complimenting the girl's skin tone perfectly. Normani met eyes with her previously unknown neighbor, who's eyes were the color of dark chocolate bar. Normani refrained from gasping, and maintained her steady breathing.

Fifth Harmony || One Shots and imagines ✿  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora