Remember Our Love Chapter 17

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To our surprise Tom's mother Rosie decided to venture downstairs to see everyone. She sat looking very weak in a rocking chair I had by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket. Tom and Michael exchanged a look of concern with each other as their eyes flicked back to their mother.

No one had told Rosie about her little grand daughter yet, it was to be a surprise and Robert was going to introduce her. She was outside playing as the grandchildren came in to see their grandmother one by one.

She recognised most of them and when little Michael came in she beamed at Virginia and Michael, "He is so big," she said as he gave her a cuddle.

Thomas came running through the door with a stick he was using as a sword, "No need to guess who you are," Rosie said. "You are the image of your father Thomas!" she said and put her arms out to him for a hug. He stood still staring at her, I looked at Tom "He's shy," I whispered.

Tom smiled and went over to his son. "That's right mum, this is my little boy," Tom said and picked him up. "Come say hi to my mummy, she is your nanny, granddad Roberts wife, a pirate and we love her," Tom said to Thomas.

"She is? We do?" Thomas asked and frowned, looking back at his nanny.

She laughed, "Oh look how much they are alike, it is amazing, same frown and everything," she said.

"We have the same eyes too nanny," Thomas said and jumped out of Tom's arms to go over and show her. His face so close to hers she had to pull her head back to look properly.

"Yes you do," she exclaimed and he smiled. She gave him a hug and then he popped down running back to his daddy.

"It's like looking at our own child all over again. Is he as soft as Tom was?" she asked Robert.

"Yes, and a total mummy's boy," Robert said.

"Alright you two, stop trying to embarrass me in front of my wife," Tom said.

"Mummy's boy," Michael teased.

"What and your not?" Tom asked to Michael.

Michael thought about it for a second and then nodded "Yeah I am," he sighed.

We all laughed.

"All my boys are and I have missed you all so much," Rosie said. Tears welling up.

"Oh don't start crying yet, you have one more to meet," Robert said.

"One more?" Rosie replied. "Who has had another baby?"

"Guess," Robert said. He went outside, returning with little Rosie in his arms who was most put out that what ever game she was playing outside was interrupted so she was wearing her fathers frown.

"Tom, a little girl," Rosie said.

Tom smiled proudly, nodding putting his arm around me and kissing my head.

"Nanny Rosie, meet your granddaughter Rosie," Robert said.

"Hi Nanny," little Rosie said waving. She loved meeting new people.

"Rosie? She was named after me," she said and put her arms out for a cuddle as Robert lowered little Rosie into her lap. "You are beautiful," she said. "Look at your little ringlets," as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Little Rosie smiled back, "Nanny a chicken bit me," Rosie said showing off he hand again and everyone laughed. "It has run away but when Shadow finds him it will be dinner time," she said making the noise and actions of a chicken getting its neck broke. The child was a hilarious.

Tom and I both looked at each other as we laughed it was so good to be able to share this moment with him. Stood here wrapped in his arms, feeling proud as punch to be his wife and the mother of our beautiful, funny children.

REMEMBER OUR LOVE (Pirate Series - Book 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now