The Mermaid

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Name: "I'm Serena. Who are you?"

Nickname: Sera

Gender: " I'm a mermaid. Pay attention. "

Sexuality: "I don't know. I don't really care. Both?" ( Pansexual)

Species: "...Really?" (What do you think, genius?)

Personality: Serena is very adventurous and sarcastic. She hates being told what to do and is very creative. She prefers to be alone and exploring instead of looking for shiny things and baubles.

Looks: Media. Her tail is like the colour of her eyes, just shinier. She's also very tall and willowy as a human.

Likes: The ocean, rainy days, cloudy days, greys and blues, big weeping willow trees, when she's able to read, the water, singing

Dislikes: Most other mermaids, very bright colours, fishermen, getting sunburned, having to turn human, human clothes

Backstory: She's pretty normal for a mermaid. A bit of a loner and loves to explore. She's gone to human villages before and doesn't really like them. It would take a lot to make her go to the surface.

No smut is allowed with this precious little dewdrop. Understand?

Scenario 1: The little mermaid route where you nearly drown because you're a horrible swimmer. She saves you and wonders how such a stupid human who can't swim is by the water.

Scenario 2: Serena was captured by your laboratory, you're a scientist or a lab assistant. It's your job to watch after her, study her, and deal with her. She's quite a handful, even inside the glass tank. She tries to break the thick glass and you constantly tell her no.

Scenario 3: You're a fellow mer-person who is intrigued by this girl who you never see at parties or with anyone else. She's always alone, except when the dolphins follow her around. So one day, you decide to talk to her.

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