The Childish One🌈

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Alive had refused to answer these questions, claiming they were weird and she wanted to go play on the swings instead.

Name: Alice

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human


Personality: She is quite like a child

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Personality: She is quite like a child. Her mood swings go from happy to sad in minutes. If you make her mad, and she gets mad easily, she'll ignore you until you've atoned for your sin or she forgot about it. But usually she's very happy. She's a huge introvert and she can get uncomfortable around people easily, which makes her try to hide. She trusts too easily, if you do something nice for her she'll want to be friends, but break that trust even the slightest...when she cries Satan himself will get teary eyed. It's that heartbreaking.

Likes: Being at home, ice skating, winter, reading, cuddling, blankets, playing games, bubble baths

Dislikes: School, modern art, poetry, rainy days, loud noises, being judged, doing adult things

Backstory: She had a normal childhood as an only child. However all throughout middle and high school she was bullied relentlessly. There was no reason to pick on her, everyone just did. She was the kind of girl who was too nice and happy, people had to ruin it. She was depressed for a long time but she learned that going back to her childhood made her happy. Acting childish was her coping mechanism, her escape. She takes online courses for University now to stay away from people.

She's a virgin so she knows nothing about turn ons and the like.

Scenario 1: You were one of Alice's bullies in middle school. You were a mean kid but you got a taste of your own medicine in freshman year of high school. So when you see Alice out at the grocery store, browsing through the baking aisle, you want nothing more than to apologize and make it up to her. You tap her on the shoulder and she whirled around to look up at you with wide eyes. You...

Scenario 2: You went to Alice's university, you'd only seen her a few times at the library getting textbooks but you knew how smart she was. Her name was always in the lists for Dean's Recognition and  other Honours things. She was a little quirky, hearing from other students. Honestly, you had a little bit of a crush on this girl, even though you didn't know her. So seeing her being picked on by a bunch of frat guys made you rush to the rescue, telling them off. Once they were gone she stared up at you as if you were a superhero. She thanked you a thousand times before asking if you would come over to dinner tonight with her.

Or just make one up.

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