The Intern:Kara-Part 2

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I do not own Supergirl or any of its characters, I'm just a useless lesbian to be honest. 

      "Favorite food?" She asked, several rounds into the little sharing game you were playing as you sat inside Noonans. 

      "Grilled ham and cheese." You said, and her nose did that adorable crinkle thing she did when she thought about something. 

      "I'm sorry, a what now?" She asked, sipping her club soda. Your jaw almost dropped. "You're kidding me. No seriously you're kidding right? You've never had grilled ham and cheese?"

      She shook her head, shrugging and pursing her lips with a laugh. "Sorry, no, I've had grilled cheese of course, but what in the world is a grilled ham and cheese?" 

      Your eyes lit up, you loved introducing people to new things, it made you feel good to be able to share with people the things you loved. "It's only the best thing ever!" 

      "Its basically a grilled cheese, but with ham in it too. It's way more amazing than it sounds, I promise." You laughed. Kara smiled as you picked up your coke, you weren't much of a drinker.

      "So, what's your favorite food?" You asked, and Kara's face lit up like a thousand suns. "Oh my gosh potstickers of course! I could drown in potstickers and be happy about it." She rambled, and you raised an eyebrow. 

      "First of all, what is a potsticker, and what can I do to make you glow when you talk about me like that?" You asked, grinning. Inside, however, you were not nearly as suave. WhATt the fuck did you just do?!

      Kara blushed and laughed somewhat awkwardly, readjusting her glasses and acting like you had just said the funniest thing in the world. It was honestly the most adorable thing you'd ever seen. ((YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, KARA FLUSTERED DANVERS OVER HERE))

      "So? Whats a potsticker, now I'm interested." You kept the conversation flowing as she regained her composure. 

      As she explained to you the mystery that was potstickers, you couldn't help but notice the little things about her. The way she often mouthed words when you were speaking, how she adjusted her glasses every few minutes, the way she laughed.. After a moment or two you realized you were staring and suddenly the TV behind her mounted on the wall was the most interesting thing you'd ever seen. 

      "Hmm... lets see.. Single or Taken?"

      You looked back to her to see her blushing and trying terribly to maintain eye contact. You felt your cheeks heating up slightly. "O-oh, um, single, you?" You mumbled, and she kept looking at you with those piercing blue eyes. "Taken."

      Your heart fell from about fifty stories. You looked down a bit. You should've guessed.. besides, you were her intern for Pete's sake, she'd never-

      "Taken, hopefully by you." 

      Your head snapped up to look at her. She was blushing extremely, readjusting her glasses every few seconds. Suddenly it dawned on her as her eyes widened. "N-no not like that! Not like- I meant- I mean- I don't even know if- I mean you probably don't like girls so-" She rambled, before you took her hand in yours and gave it a squeeze, laughing.

      "I'd gladly take you, Miss Danvers." You smirked, and she lightly smacked your arm, although it hurt more than it should've. "I can't believe you let me ramble like that." She huffed, and you couldn't help but smile. 

      "Sorry, you're cute when you're flustered." You grinned, and she smirked back at you. "I'll keep that in mind the next time you get flustered." She retaliated. 

      The two of you sat and talked for a long while, sharing stories and asking questions and going over what to do at work. "We have to stay professional at CatCo. You are my intern, and I am your mentor, and if cat thinks otherwise she might cut you from the program." Kara explained, and you nodded. 

      "Got it. So no tom foolery at work. Does that mean outside of work we can fool around all we want?" You smirked, which landed you another slap on the arm. You didn't complain though, just pouted like sad puppy, to which Kara just shook her head and tried not to laugh. 

      "You are... something else, Y/N.." She smiled, and you took her hands in yours.

      "Yeah, I get that a lot..." You laughed as the two of you paid for lunch and left Noonans, back to work. 

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