Letters for Whom?

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Warnings Below


Lafayette spent the entire night befriending the captain, he was only seven months younger than him he discovered and spoke perfect French, Lafayette couldn't have taught him any better himself. The only thing was, Lafayette could almost swear he knew the Captain from somewhere. He studied Captain's Monroe's face, he could swear he knew it. "Tell me, Monsieur Monroe," Lafayette began, "Where did you learn to speak such good French?"

"Oh, from my mentor, Mister Thomas Jefferson," Monroe answered easily.

Lafayette froze. "J-Jefferson?" The name rang through Lafayette's head like a bell, clanging around and knocking things loose. Thomas Jefferson. No. There was no one by that name anymore.

"Yes, he was my mentor, he taught me everything I know. I looked up to him, he was a great man," Monroe supplied, looking slightly distant.

Lafayette pushed everything that had surfaced in his mind away, shoved it deep down so that it would never surface again. "Was?"

"He disappeared, about a year ago, shortly after the Declaration. Just up and vanished. I have no idea where he went. The only thing he left was a message that if anything truly important happened, to send a letter to James Madison and he would make sure to get it to him."

Lafayette took a deep breath. "Mysterious," he said at last.

"I don't understand how he could have just left the cause though, he was set on helping in any way he could, it doesn't make sense that he'd just leave. But he did have a rough past...Oh! I apologize, I shouldn't be saying such things. And you must be getting some rest. I'll bid you a goodnight," Monroe said, standing, bowing slightly, and leaving the room.

"Bonne nuit!" Lafayette replied. His head hurt a bit but that was probably from his leg and the blood loss. He really should sleep but that plan flew out the window as soon as Hamilton walked into the room.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Lafayette!" he greeted

"Bonjour, Monsieur Hamilton!" Lafayette replied cheerily.

"Was that James Monroe?" Hamilton asked, glancing back toward the door, he must've run into him on the way in.

"Oui. He was here to make sure I am well. Great man," Lafayette said.

"I agree, he's a good man. I just came in to see how you were doing, heard you got shot. How was your first battle? Everything you imagined?"

"My leg is fine, everyone's over reacting. I would take a hundred more musket rounds for another shot at that battle."

"What do you mean?" Hamilton asked.

"We were defeated. Full on retreat."

"Lafayette, everyone is calling you a hero, you saved the war with that battle."

"Is Washington proud?" Lafayette asked.

Hamilton chuckled slightly, "Yes, General Washington is very pleased with your efforts."

Lafayette couldn't help but grin, all previous thoughts of Thomas Jefferson completely leaving his mind in the company of Alexander Hamilton.


"I cannot thank you enough for your company, Lieutenant Colonel," Lafayette smiled from where he sat in a carriage. He wasn't allowed to move around due to his injury.

"Please, call me Laurens, and it's my pleasure, Major General, you're a hero to everyone here after what you did at Brandywine."

"It's Lafayette, please."

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