I was about to go through some hashtags when I was suddenly attacked.

"Haha! Take that, Eunni!" It was Libby. She began to tickle me on my sides and I let out snorts of laughter, trying to fight her off.

"No! Get off!" I managed to squeeze out in between laughter. Hyejin walked in and saw us and decided to join us.

"Attack Eomma!" She squealed.

"Gosh dang kids, no!" I continued to laugh, my lungs now burning from the lack of oxygen. Before I could pass out, Jeemun comes in and pulls off the young ones off of me. I took in deep breaths, still on the ground. Once I was calmed down, I stood up and flicked both Libby and Hyejin's foreheads. They winced. "Respect your elders!" I smirked before going to put on my shoes with Jeemun.

"Man, if it weren't for you, Jeemun, I probably would have died!" I threw up my hands to show that I was thankful for not dying. She chuckled.

"Hey, I could have easily left you there to suffer." I scoffed and playfully punched her shoulder.

"Be nice to those older than you, dongsaeng." I still had that smile on my face. These girls are my family.

"So, eonnies, what are we doing today?" Libby asked and Hyejin skipped ahead of us to our car that takes us to the building. Jeemun looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, making her way inside the car beside Hyejin.

"Our manager wants us to see her in her office. She probably has something planned for us. Whatever it may be, I have no idea. We will see when we get there." Everyone nodded. My mind went elsewhere. I thought of the first-time meeting Min Yoongi last night during the post-stage performance. I had no idea why, but he was really cute and really intriguing. Honestly, all of BTS are.

"Look, Kirae-eunnie is daydreaming again!" Libby whisper-yelled to Hyejin. They giggled to each other. I just shook my head at their jokes. They almost never had enough energy for things like these, which I found interesting because they both love to sleep in. Who knows what they do with all that potential energy.

As soon as the vehicle came to a stop, we were escorted inside by our driver, paving a way for our entrance from the fans that stood outside the entertainment building, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite artists. I glanced over at them and they screamed for our names. I couldn't help but feel a little proud for having so many fans after debut.

"Look! There is Libby-eunnie, my bias!" One girl screeched. Libby waved and blew kisses, causing the girl to scream louder to her friend beside her, saying things like 'she blew me a kiss. I had a kiss blown by the visual KYA!!!' Others kept calling for Jeemun and saying things like how much they appreciated her in being our leader. Though we didn't post many videos of ourselves or anything that showcases our everyday dorm life, they looked at our debut until now. They say things, they see things, they make a lot of statements. They're brave.

"I wanna hug Hyejin-ah!" On instinct, I held Hyejin's arm. I love her, and I love the fans, but if anything were to happen to our maknae, I would never forgive myself.

Finally, after going through so many fans that were screaming for mostly BTS, we made it inside the entertainment building. Employees greeted us, eyeing the outside situation of fans who were still screaming for their oppas and eunnies. I'm pretty sure some of them are older than I am. Too hard to tell.

We made it to Manager-eunnie's office, standing awkwardly. We didn't know what is going to happen to us now that we had our debut stage. Our manager looked up at us and began to smile. I held my breath and held Jeemun's hand in comfort.

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