twenty five

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twenty five

The next day was an absolute bummer. My awesome date was over, and I had to get to school.

The entire time I was getting ready for the day, I was remembering every single moment of last night. The Baseball Hut, stargazing on the hills, Jade's soft lips on mine...

I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed my phone, and texted my group chat.

Best Friends 😛💞
Janelle: last night was amazing
Nick: bitch! I said i wanted to see your face when you told us!
Janelle: face time?
Nick: bitch
Janelle: biTch!1! Ok fine I'll tell y'all at lunch bYe

I sigh, putting my phone in my back pocket and grabbing my backpack. I walk into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee, but I see my mom, once again, leaning against the island and talking on the phone.

"Yeah, that will be perfect," She spoke into the phone, "How many balloons? 180? Great. Thank you. Mhm, yeah. Alright. Great. Bye." And she hung up, smiling at me when she looked up. I walk past her, grabbing my coffee mug.

"You know, too much coffee can be a bad thing." She informs me, putting her phone down.

I ignore her comment, bringing the mug to my face. "What was that all about?" I nod to her phone.

"Oh? That?" My mom looked down at her phone and back at me. "It was just about Eva's graduation party in May. I want everything to be pre order before-hand, so when the planners come to decorate, everything will be ready."

"Great." I take another sip of coffee, "That'll be one thing out of way."

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled at me. "How was your date last night."

"It was amazing. First we went to the Baseball Hut," I began.

"Oh, I remember that place! When I used to take Eva and you there!" My mom beamed at the memory.

"Mhmmm. And then, we went stargazing on the hills near the walking trail I used to go to with Grace, Alyssa and Nick." I had never told my mom where on the hills we went, I just told her 'near the walking trail'.

"You never told me where on the hills you all went." She said, rubbing her chin.

"Top secret, Ma'." I remind her, giggling.  "Then, we went out to eat. I brought her home around 10, I can't even remember."

"Aw, that sounds like a great date. I'm glad you had a good time," My mom smiled.

"That's not even the best part!" I exclaim, "In the car, we kissed!"

"Oh!" My mom clapped her hands, "Congratulations, Janelle! Your first kiss!"

"It wasn't my first kiss," I lie, blushing. She gave me that look to stop lying, and I sigh. "Okay, it was my first kiss."

"I love how long you waited to have your first kiss." My mom told me, "How cute."

"I wanted it to be perfect, and at the right time." I explain, taking a sip of my coffee. "I didn't want to be one of those girls that had their first at 11 and lost their virginity at 12. Fucking disgusting." I shake my head, putting my mug down.

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