twenty two

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twenty two

Wednesday wasn't as shitty as Tuesday. In fact, I felt a lot better, now that I knew my friends were there for me.

I guess Tuesday was a lot worse because I had no one to cling on to throughout the day, especially since Pillar was a freshman. But now my old group was back, and I was glad about that.

I woke up to a text from Jade, which stated;

♡ Jade
Good morning, Janelle. See you at school, and I hope you know that you're beautiful and amazing <3

Her message really warmed my heart. It was nice knowing she was doing so much to make sure I felt better about myself.

thank you bbg 💕 I'll see you soon :))


shut off my phone, and get ready for the day. My shower was really refreshing, I felt as if the day was going to be great.

I went down the hallway to the kitchen, to see Eva sitting on the island, with a smile on her face.

"Good morning," I say, walking to the already brewing coffee maker.

"Mornin', Janelle. Are you feeling better?" She asks, looking down at her feet.

I nod and sigh lightly. "Yeah, I feel great actually. That little meeting in my room really helped. Thanks, for helping out by the way."

Eva shrugs carelessly, "No problem. I hate seeing you in a state of depression like that."

"Well, I really appreciate your help. I'm so relieved to be out of there." I say, referring to conversion therapy.

"Why did you stay anyway?" Eva asks, hopping off the island, "If they were treating you so awfully, why did you stay?"

That was a good question, that I had a really unreasonable answer to. "To prove a point," I admit, "I know, so stupid."

Eva nods slowly. "Well, at least you're out of there. Come on, let's get going. We can go get breakfast at Tim Hortons."

"Okay," I say, putting my mug in the sink and grabbing Eva's car keys, "We're taking yours today"

"Fair enough," Eva accepts, walking behind me to the driveway.

We get in the car, and I immediately fish through her stack of CDs to find a FOB album, but sadly Eva is too basic and only listens to XXXTentencion.

"Ugh," I groan, throwing my head back. "Seriously? Just a bunch of talentless rappers? How the fuck does that even sound good to you?"

Eva shrugs, pulling out of the driveway, "He sounds not that bad."

I roll my eyes, "You don't know what real music is!"

"Here, listen to this song," She chuckles, putting on "Look At Me".

"I'm like bitch who is your mans? Aye! Can't keep my dick in my pants. Aye! My bitch don't love me no more, aye! She kick me out I'm like 'vro'"- Eva sings along to the earsplitting music, and I shake my head vigorously, turning her radio off.

"Hey!" Eva whines, frowning, "I was listening to that!"

"I'm aware," I look at her, "But my ears hurt."

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