twenty one

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twenty one

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I felt like a teary wreck all day, but there wasn't much I could do. I had asked to be excused multiple times throughout the day, and I got eyed from everyone that passed by me, including my old friends.

It hurt inside when people asked if I was okay. I couldn't tell them what happened, and not much could be done about the situation. Conversion therapy was legal, so getting the police involved wouldn't help.

I for sure didn't want to go back, but I didn't know how to leave. Most of the people there just walked in and announced that they were leaving, but I don't think I could be able to do that, due to my current condition. I couldn't say "May I be excused?" without nearly breaking down.

"So, why are you still in here?" I asked Rahul at the start of class. We both had dull expressions, but Rahul seemed less taken aback by everything than me.

He simply shrugged. "For my dad. I don't listen to the shit they say in here anyways."

I raise my eyebrows in shock. "What they say doesn't get to you?"

He shakes his head. "I know who and what I am isn't wrong, and no one can tell me otherwise."

I nod, and before I can say anything back, the 5 of us hear bickering at the door.

"You can't just barge in here-" Dr. Johnson shakes her head, and the door becomes wider.

"Bitch, I don't give a fuck." Jade rolls her eyes, walking into the office and heading over to the couch I was sitting on with Rahul. "I only came for one person here, and that's her," Jade points at me. "I'm checking her out."

I sigh in relief, but I was still confused. What was happening? "Huh?"

"C'mon, Janelle. I'm taking you home." She announces, helping me off the couch.

I look back at Rahul. "I'll text you later, Rahul." He nods and waves goodbye.

As we get to the door, Dr. Johnson stands in front of us. "See you tomorrow, Brooks."

"Actually she's not coming back." Jade says, pushing Dr. Johnson out of the way. She looks offended, but Jade shrugs off the doctor's expression, and we walk out of the room.

We get to the elevators and I stare at Jade in surprise. She giggles, and shakes her head at me. "What?"

"How did you just do that? Bravely walk in there, cuss that son of a bitch out, and leave?" I ask curiously.

She shrugs, laughing again. "I don't know, I guess I become a badass when I fight for what I want."

"Thank you, for that, but I still have a ton of questions." I state, as we leave the elevator.

"Alright, I'll answer them." She accepts, and I happily check out at the reception desk. I wave my final goodbye to Mrs. Viétnem, and head to the parking lot. There I see that my car was gone, and I my eyes widen.

"Where's my car?" I ask, and Jade immediately calms me down.

"Relax, I had Eva come pick it up." She assures me, and we walk to her car. I completely forgot I left a spare key in my room, she had to have taken them.

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