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"Wake up, Janelle." I hear a faint voice say, which rattles me out of my sleep.

"What the hell?" I look at my phone, which read 5:30 AM. I didn't wake up until 7:30.

"C'mon, wake up, get dressed, brush your teeth." I feel my mom pulling me out of bed.

I sigh, doing as she said, then walking to the kitchen. There I see a grouchy Eva. She must be just as confused as me.

"Can you explain to us why we had to wake up 2 hours early?" I ask, yawning and pouring coffee into the mugs my mom set up on the island.

"Well," She started, as she flipped pancakes on the stove, "I wanted to make sure you guys had a nice breakfast."

"Breakfast takes 2 hours to make?" Eva asks rudely, crossing her arms.

"No, but I wanted you girls to get up early so it's habit for the rest of the week." My mom explains, looking at us then turning her attention back to the stove. I almost forgot that school started earlier during exam week. I nod in agreement, and go sit in the dining room with my coffee. It doesn't take too long for Eva to follow behind me.

"Hey." She greets after sitting down across from me.

"Hi." I answer in a dull manner, yawning and pulling my mug to my face. The coffee seriously needed to kick in.

Eva obviously hears the monotone in my voice, so she leaves me alone. Thank God she can take a hint easily.

You could literally feel the tension in the air. Eva and I hadn't talked less since dad left, and at the time we were too pissed to even say a word to anyone. I felt really bad at the way I waved her off, but I couldn't help it. It was 5am and I much rather would like to be in my bed than making small talk with my sister.

I played with my hair for a few minutes, scrolling through my Instagram feed. Not much was posted since last night, guess no one was going to wake up this  early to post.

Grunt. Fake cough. Grunt. I knew that both of us wanted to make conversation at this point, but we were both waiting for each other to speak up.

The silence became incredibly uncomfortable, and Eva finally spoke up.

"So.. good luck today." She says, making me look up from my phone.

About time she gave in. I sure as hell wasn't. I think, mentally smirking for being so petty.

"Thanks. You too, but you won't really need it." I admit, looking back down at my phone.

"Ha. Thank you, I'll miss that snarky attitude when I'm gone for college." Eva chuckles. It breaks my heart a little, knowing she was leaving home soon.

"Speaking of college, where are you going?" I ask, looking up at her.

"Columbia. I checked it out last week, really nice and close enough to home. The people there aren't that bad. I'm gonna try to buy a condo in the city so I don't have to live in a dorm." Eva explains, beaming.

"That's great, you're only an hour and a half away!" I exclaim, clapping my hands lightly. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, in just a few years you're gonna be out of this house too, Janelle. Just wait, you'll be kicking ass in college!" Eva assures me, calmly pressing her palm against the table with pride.

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