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Before we start, thanks for 600 reads. People actually like this book? Am shocked. <3

1 Day Before Conversion Therapy

"See you, Ma'. I'm going to the library!" I call to my mom from the living room, as she was fixing her earrings in her bathroom.

I wanted to do some research on conversion offices in our area, I didn't want to drive somewhere far for one. Plus, I didn't want Eva or my mom on my back when they came back from church.

"Oh no," My mom quickly hurried into the living room, fixing the final touches of her earring, and looked at me, "Come to church with us."

I sigh, thinking of an excuse as to why I shouldn't go. "Ma'... I can't! I-uh- Have to go to the library! Yeah, study for the exams tomorrow. The sophomores- we're uh- calling it 'Exam Jitters!' Yeah..." I rambled on, hoping she didn't notice my stutters.

"Alright, Janelle. Have a good time." My mom smiles, going back to her bathroom. I sigh in relief. She actually bought that.

"I'm gonna go wait in the car." Eva announced. She sure loved wasting people's gas. She brushed pass me, whispering in my ear, "You're a shit liar," and walking out the door.

I groan slightly in annoyance, she probably knew what I was up to. I shrug it off, though, since it wasn't her problem.


It was around noon, and I had was done the finishing touches on my eyeliner. I grab my car keys, and walk out the door, locking it in the process.

As I was driving to the library, I could've sworn I seen Jade outside of Nick's house. I didn't pay too much attention, though. At least she was making new friends.


The library was, of course, quiet. It was very modern though, there were probably more Chrombooks and computers than there were books. I couldn't blame the owners for constructing their building that way, everyone was converting to technology.

"Hello, good afternoon. Can I help you with anything?" The librarian asked, smiling at me warmly.

"Hi, I just need to use a computer for about an hour." I explained, looking at his nametag, which read Mr. Lester.

"Alright, you can use Computer 8. Here's the sign in information." Mr. Lester handed me a small card, and smiled at me once again. I thanked him, and walked to the, one of many, Computer Station. There were about 4 people in my station, mumbling words to each other, and looking intently at their screens.

I get started, searching up "Conversion therapy offices near me", and start browsing through the choices.

Most of the of the offices that popped up first were not very appealing. They all had 1 star ratings from Google users. Not exactly my first choice. I sighed, scrolling further down.

After a few minutes of browsing and looking through numerous websites, I finally found an office that held every desire I'd hope in my head.

It was only 30 minutes away from my house, had a 4.6 star rating and from the pictures the office was in a glass 6 story building. It was a quick drive and a very nice place.

I seemed to have forgotten to bring pen and paper, so I logged onto my Google Docs and wrote down all the information.

Much to my luck, the sessions started tomorrow, just 35 minutes after I got out of school. They only lasted 2 hours a day, so I'd be home by dinnertime.

Smiling at myself for planning it all out, I logged out of my Docs and signed out of the computer.

I seen Mr. Lester fixing a few books in a bookcase, and I smiled faintly at him as I passed by. I dropped the card on his desk counter, but was interrupted.

"Funny seeing you here." I hear a whisper from behind me.

"Same goes for you." I mutter, and I start walking out of the library.

"I didn't know you read." They kept following me, which made me groan.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Pillar." I turn around, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Yeah, I guess since we've only talked twice and they've both involved crying." Pillar mutters, which makes me stop in my tracks. I remember the day she came to my car and started crying after bringing up awful memories. I was such an asshole to her that day.

"Um, about that. Pillar, I'm so sorry about not being the least bit sympathetic to you when you were crying in my car." I apologize, looking her in the eyes.

"It's fine, Janelle. It's just.." She looked at me with sad eyes, "I don't want to lose you in there."

I felt my heart drop for a few seconds. This is the first time I've actually listened to anyone about conversion therapy. I just wanted to become straight, but now I wasn't so sure. It's like Pillar put me under a spell.

"Oh, Pillar," I bring her into a hug, "I won't let that happen."

Pillar sighs, "I really hope you mean that."

"I do." I assure her.

"Promise?" She asks in a concerned manner.

"I promise."


a/n: Yes I put Phil Lester in this don't kill me

I've honestly been thinking about putting this book on hold to work on a new one, but I hate doing that so I'll just work on my new lgbt book when I'm done this one.

Thank yall for 666 reads ;)

I've had so much writer's block for the filler chapters, cause I need to entertain y'all with SOMETHING before I get to the good shit if y'know what I mean buddy. :-)

Word Count: 964

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