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Day 5 - Change everything and remove anything about yourself that's gay

Today, I knew would definitely be the hardest day. I wasn't too sure I'd get through with it.

Today meant removing many things from my life.

Removing Nick.

Removing my coming out post.

Deleting my pictures with Jade.

Removing Jade.

Those were the hardest four. Of course, I had made it clear to Jade I didn't want anything to do with her, but apart of me knew I was lying to her.

I bang my head against my desk, not ready to start off the day. But it had to be done.

I crept out my house, not wanting to disturb my mom on her off day. Though we hadn't spoken since Tuesday, it didn't mean I didn't care about her.

As I reach my car, I see Eva in the passenger seat on her phone. I open the door and climb into the driver's seat, and she barely noticed me.

"What made you say to yourself that it was okay to just sneak into my car and make yourself comfortable?" I ask her, with a bit of attitude.

"It's called carpooling, have you ever heard of it?" She says, almost sounding as if it was just an excuse for me not to get mad.

I roll my eyes and start the car. It never occurred to me that she already had it on, and when I realize this, I scoff at her.

"I thought you were supposed to waste less gas carpooling." I grumble, driving out of the driveway.

Eva simply shrugs, and I ignore her actions. What an insensitive prick.

After 3 minutes of silence,  Eva tries to touch the radio, but I swat her hand away immediately.

"Ouch!" She yells in pain, though I barely touched her.

"Don't start touching shit, you've already made yourself at home for who knows how long!" I snap, still focusing on the road.

"It was a 15 minutes!" She exclaims, which sets me off the edge.

"Exactly! 15 fucking minutes of gas wasted that could of been used to get us to school. Now shut the fuck up!," I yell, "And I'm the younger one." I mutter the last part.

Eva doesn't reply, looking as if she had lost her ability to speak.

Good, I think,  Now she learned her lesson.

3 more minutes pass, as we sit in traffic. There was usually not this much traffic going to school, but since every Friday is free breakfast, every one prefers to get to school earlier.

"Janelle," Eva says, looking at me.

"What?" I mumble, my arms crossed.

"What's been going on with you?" She sighs, "You've been like this for at least 3 weeks. So snappy and impatient."

All I do is blink, not wanting to answer the question. I knew she was right. My nerves were acting up.

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