Xael: "Winnie stay calm."

"See I told you! I told you!"

Tears pouring out of my eyes as I am elated that Xael finally can see what I have been going through. The warmth turns to pain as I clutch my chest. Panic is all over Xael's face as he touches my hand and the world goes dark.

"Winnie don't you want to eat your food for me?"


"Come on Winnie just one spoon full of some of these yummy mushed bananas. Your favorite."

I shake my head no, hiding my face in Xael's clothing. Loud knocking on the door alert's him to a presence outside his study before they come in.

Gabriel: "Are you ready to depart yet Xael?"

Xael: "Winnie won't eat her breakfast."

Peeking out from Xael shirt I see Gabriel, standing in front of his desk.


Gabriel: "How is the little princess today?"

I give him a big toothy grin before glancing up at Xael, pulling a bit on his hair with one hand.


Xael: " How come she knows your name but, hasn't attempted to say my name yet."

He shrugs, still smiling at me brightly, making silly faces causing me to giggle.

Gabriel: " It might be because she plays with Holly a lot and she hears my name being called by her mother."

Xael: "I did not say Winnie could play with Holly. Holly is a werewolf pup and Winnie is human. What if Winnie was to get hurt due to Holly shifting during playtime."

Gabriel: " She hasn't. It is completely safe. Mary watches them and they enjoy playing together.

Xael: "What does Annabelle think about this?"

Gabriel: "She was the one who suggested they play together. She said it was good for their development especially since Winnie and Holly are the only two babies in the castle that are similar in age."

Xael: "I still do not like that both of you went and did this behind my back, but if it makes Winnie happy."

He stares at me, mimicking the faces Gabriel was making earlier causing me to squeal in excitement as he bounces me on his knee. Grabbing at his hair in amusement I start to tug on it, loving the texture in between my fingers.

Xael: "Winnie, let go of my hair."


Gabriel: "I think this is the most talking I've seen her do. Normally she is so quiet with Holly when they play, but still she has a smile on her face."

Xael: " Could you hold her a minute? I need to brush my hair back out of my face and change into a new shirt."

Gently untangling my tiny hands from his hair he hands me off to Gabriel. As soon as I'm in his hands the tantrum begins. I scream, cry, and kick, reaching for Xael.

Xael: "It is okay Winnie, I'm here. Calm down."

Gabriel: "Hurry up Xael. I've never seen her like this."

Xael: "I do not call her my little princess for nothing. Put her head on your shoulder, and rub her back. It helps."

After a couple of minutes I am still fussy as I am given back to Xael. The tears stop once I am positioned on his lap again. He wipes away the stray tears as I grasp onto a piece of his shirt while putting my thumb into my mouth with my other hand.

Xael: "See all better."

He kisses my forehead, before bouncing me on his knee a little.

Gabriel: "Does she always do that?"

Xael: "Lately a lot, ever since that small incident. She has been sleeping in a crib in my room almost daily. Could you get Annabelle? Winnie hasn't eaten yet and I want her to be feed before we leave."

Gabriel nods quietly before exiting out of the room. It doesn't take long before Annabelle is back with him, inside the room.


Annabelle: "How's my little angel?"

Coming over to the desk mother picks me up twirling me around before peppering me with kisses. She positions me on her hip, while talking to Xael.

Annabelle: "What do you need master Xael?"

Xael: "Winnie isn't eating and I need her to be fed before our trip."

Annabelle: "I do not feel comfortable, with you leaving with her and me not being there if anything happens."

Xael: "I gave her to you remember. I can surely have another slave raise her. I thought I was being kind giving you another child after you lost one, but I can see you aren't grateful."

She sighs before glancing down at me.

Annabelle: " I am master. I am very grateful. Winnie is my world. I will not question you again."

Xael: "Good. Now get her to eat, we are running behind schedule."

Annabelle: "Winnie want mama's milk?"

"Milk! Milk!"

Annabelle: "Master can I use that blanket over there on the stool?"

Xael: "Whatever for?"

Annabelle: "She wants to nurse."

Xael's face gets pink as he nods silently, turning around in his chair. With his back to us both, he begins to speak again.

Xael: " She is two in human years and you still feed her by your bosom."

Annabelle: "Occasionally I still nurse her. It calms her and puts her to sleep instantly after she is done feeding. Since I am still producing milk I haven't stopped her from wanting to nursed, plus isn't that the reason you gave her to me in the first place, to be her wet nurse.

Xael: "I thought I told you not to sass me."

Annabelle: "I apologize master."

Xael: " Hurry up I want to make it to the witch before sundown."


Author's Note

I'm so excited to be so close to the 2,000 reads mark. Anyways I had to leave you guys speculating and wondering what is going on. I want you guys to comment down below your theories. I will say this, some answers are coming in the next chapter. Until then, vote, comment and add this story to your reading list. Also feel free to add me as a friend. Love you guys!

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