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*takes deep breath* OK

So I really love anime if you didnt know. I just watched this anime movie I've been wanting to see since like last year. Its called koe no katachi (a silent voice). Now I cant stop crying. So its about a girl thats deaf and this boy who bullied her in elementary school because of it. After that he lost all of his friends. When he got older the boy felt really bad about it so he tried to kill himself. And then other he met the girl again and was beginning to be friends with her. And then some other stuff happened(if ur interested in watching it I dont wanna spoil it too much). If you like anime and you haven't seen it I really recommend you do. Even if you dont watch anime its still a Good movie. Thats really all I had to say. Bai!ಥ_ಥ I'm a crying mess.

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