Chapter Seventeen

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I hung the phone back up and looked at the girl.

"Friend-zoned him, eh?"

"Kind of," I trailed off.

"It's okay. He'll get over it pretty quickly. All guys do."

"You know from experience?"

"To much experience." I nodded. "You must seriously cold, here." She handed me her drink, "it's hot chocolate." I took a quick slurp and felt it course through me. The hot liquid warmed my entire body, making me feel ten pounds lighter. It brought back memories. Memories of Stella, Dan, my Mother... A smile grew on my face. "It's good isn't it." I meant to say something or nod but all that my came was a relieved sigh. "My name is Bleu. This is Drake and Matt, two random dudes from school."

"I'm Willow," I held out my hand for her to shake it, instead she grabbed her drink and set it on the ground, then hugged me. She whispered in my ear, "I can see it in your eyes, Willow. The way you hesitate before you do or say some things. You get that feeling you might slip and fall and never be able to get up. We're the same, you and me." She pulled away slowly. Bleu smiled, I returned it, Did I just find a person who understands me? Probably not.

I glanced at the boys, they were staring at each other and fiddled with something in their jacket, I don't want to know.

Bleu grabbed my hand and plopped on the ground, forcing me to sit next to her. "So tell me about you."


A giggle escaped Bleu's cherry red lips after I told her about the train and the Canadian cops; she had a pretty laugh. "And here you are now..." She trailed off. "Is that your ride?" I turned around. Daniel was getting out of Phil's car and making his way towards us.


"Hey!" I pushed myself off the ground and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry I ran out on you guys."

"It's okay. " She cleared her throat behind me. "Oh yeah, this is Bleu. She kind of helped me call you and this is Drake and Matt." Bleu waved, Drake and Matt were whispering to each other.

"C'mon Willow... Phil wants you to meet Ozzie. He reminds me of Stella." We turned our backs to my new friends and took two steps towards the car.


"Turn around slowly." Said a deep voice. Dan and I obeyed. Both Drake and Matt were aiming guns right as us.

"Guys...What are you doing?" Bleu stuttered.

"Get over there with them, Bleu." Slowly, she did what she was told.

"Now!" The cold words came out of Drake's mouth. "Matt gave me a brilliant idea." He paused. "Instead of just taking your money and other valuables..."

Matt interrupted him. "Let's play a game."

Angel (A Story Written by my Younger Self)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant