Chapter 12

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Nash’s POV:

I’m finally dating her, but what’ll Matt say? He’ll murder me. He fucking beat Taylor up so much that he was in a hospital. Maybe if I prove to him that I care about Ariana then he’ll trust me. I just have to find a way to show both Ariana and Matt that they can trust me. I see Shawn walking down the hallway, humming his song for Cam, and I get an idea.

“Shawn!” I yell, catching his attention.

“Yeah? What’s up?” He asks, walking towards me.

“Do you think you can help me?” I ask him.

“With what? I’m not doing one of your stupid dares again.” He says with a laugh.

By dare, he is referring to the last time I asked him for help. I had wanted to do a smack cam, but the backed out, and forced him to do it to each guy. Let’s just say, Shawn ended up with a black eye, and two bloody knuckles.

I laugh the the memory, “Nah bro. I need you to help me write a song for Ari.”

“Dude. You can’t sing. Like, I’m pretty sure your vocal cords are messed up.” He says, and I punch him playfully.

“Well, could you sing it? And I would help you write it.” I am seriously about to get on my knees and beg.

“Sure. Can we start in like ten minutes? My room?”

“Yes! Thank you so much!” I say, and run off. I run to my room, and pee. I’ve been holding that in all day.I wash my hands and return to the hallway. It’s already been five minutes. I pull out my phone from my pocket and scroll through Twitter. Cam and Jack G. are out at Wendys? Stupids. They didn’t ask me to come. I decide to go to Shawn’s room early.

“Hey.” I open the unlocked door.

“Okay. So I was thinking something like the song we wrote for Cam.”

“Okay.” I say, and he grabs his guitar and notebook.After about an hour of working, my stomach growls.  Shawn hears it too, and starts laughing.

“Why don’t we go grab something to eat, bro. We’re pretty much done anyways.” Shawn says, while still laughing.

“It’s pretty good! So where’s Taylor?” I say, trying to forget about what just happened.

"I don't know. We share our room, but he makes it such a mess." Shawn groans. “So are you still mad at him?” Shawn asks as he opens the door.

“Nahhh. I’m over it. I think he realized that he made a mistake.” I say, and we walk out.

“Ok. I’m glad he’s not crazy anymore. You have  no idea how stressed I was.” Shawn looks down, and I remember something he told me when we first met.


“Hi, I’m Nash.” I reach out my hand, and shake his.

“I know. I’m Shawn. I’ve seen your vines.” He laughs.

He’s so nice.

“Just saying, if you start any drama, please don’t get me involved.” He says quickly.

Guys? Drama? Ha. Ok… “Yeah. Sure. Why are you scared of drama?” I ask, and then laugh. What kind of guy has drama issues?

“Eh… I just um sometimes pee when I’m in tough scenarios, or just stressed.” He looks at the ground.

I laugh, “I can already tell that we’re gonna be best friends.”

When we walk downstairs, I hear yelling. Cam. He’s chasing Carter.

“Cam, shut the fuck up!” I yell and he sprays silly spray everywhere. Where do they always get these things? Fanmail or something?

“Guys! I’m so hungry!” Carter and Cameron follow us to the elevator.

“We’re going out right now, ask the guys if they wanna come,” Shawn says and Carter nods as he pulls out his phone. When we step out into the lobby, I see Ariana, Matt and Aaron sitting on a couch in the lobby.  They’re laughing at something on their phone.

“Hey, Ya’ll,” I sit on Matt.

“Get off of me.” he pushes me down and Ariana quietly giggles.

“Alright, you guys wanna go get food?” Carter sits next to Ariana.

“Yeah,” Matt stands up, putting his phone in his pockets.

“Come, Ariana.” he grabs her hand.

I want more than anything to reach out and hold Ariana’s hand, but then I remember that Matt doesn’t know about us.

“Guys, we have Magcon tonight. Right?” I ask, and they nod.

Shawn nods at me, and I sort of raise my eyebrows. It’s kind of a signal, reminding him about the song, except I probably just look like a fool. Shawn starts cracking up, and the guys look at him oddly. Whoops.

“Let’s go!” I shout, and we all march in a single file line. I guess you could say this is our friendship. Never makes any sense and we are all 100% dysfunctional.

“Wait! Guys!” Someone shouts behind us. I look back, and see Taylor running towards us.

He is holding a paper, and once he catches up to us, he hands it to Ariana.

“I wrote something for you. Um… It’s a… poem?” He says quietly.

Ariana blushes, and tilts the paper at an angle and I can read what it says. I recognize the words immediately, and my eyes widen.

I guess Shawn notices too, because he mouths my name. I groan and ask, “Can you sing it for us?”

He shakes his head. “No. It’s a poem. So like… yeah. Read it.” He tells Ariana, and I’m frozen in place. I want to walk up and punch him directly on his jaw, but I can’t move.

“Taylor, this is so sweet,” Ariana says, and I start breathing heavily. “But, I um… have something to tell you guys.” She looks over at me nervously, and I nod reassuringly.

She takes a deep breath, “I have a boyfriend.”

Taylor makes a face, and I can tell he’s about to burst.

He glares at her, “You… You slut. You’re a fucking whore that will do anything to get into a guys pants. Well, no one wants you anyways. You’re ugly, rude, and-”

I cut him off, “Ariana is nothing close to a slut. Ariana Espinosa is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. I don’t give a shit if this sounds cliche, but you know what?! I’m in love with her. She is everything to me, she’s gorgeous, nice, kind, loving, innocent, and caring. So please, just hate on me. But don’t fucking talk that way to my girlfriend.” I glare at Taylor, but then realize what I said. I just announced that Ariana is my girlfriend.

“You’re dating Ariana?” Matt looks at me, then back at Ariana.

Ariana looks at me nervously, and I look at him. The look in his eyes tells me that he wants to beat me up. Then I realize, I really don’t care if he hurts me, and I’m not just saying that because he is weaker than me. I smile, “Punch me all you want, but I love your sister, and no punch will ever change that.”

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