Chapter 2

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Today was fun, Skylynn was even more hilarious today. Tomorrow at noon is our flight. I think we'll be on our way to San Fran for Magcon. We've only been in Nashville for two days and it feels like two hours. Every things happened so quickly. I think I've been a little overwhelmed with all the guys around. There's ten of them and I've only really spoken to about five of them. I haven't spoken to Jack, the other Jack, Aaron and Carter. They look like nice guys, I bet I'll have a time to get to know them. For now, I'll just focus on babysitting Skylynn. It's late now and I'm sitting in the deserted lobby, reading through my tweets. Somebody posted a picture of Matt hugging me. What? People start to message me more, tweet me more and follow me more. I almost have one hundred thousand followers on twitter now. I didn't even know that people knew me. I notice that Taylor and Nash just made a vine. I have to say, Taylor has to be the cutest one out of all of them. He looks a little too bad boy for me, and he's a little older. I'm fifteen and from what I've heard, he's seventeen. His bandanas are the cutest part about him. On the other hand, we have Nash. The sweet one. His eyes are so blue and they're gorgeous. They both have totally different personalities. But I like them both. Suddenly, Taylor and Cameron start running down the hall towards me.

"Ariana!" Cameron sits next to me, breathing heavily. "Why are you up so late?" He says as Taylor sits right next to him.

"It's only midnight," I laugh and he grins.

"Matt's going to get mad." Taylor looks at me.

"Matt isn't my mother," I tell him and he smirks. Cameron's phone starts ringing and he gets up to answer it leaving me and Taylor awkwardly to talk.

Taylor's POV

Her dimples are the cutest thing. I've never been so attracted to someone. I guess it makes her even more wanted when your friend makes it clear that you can't have her. I just wish somehow that she wasn't Matthew's sister. She's gorgeous and I need to have her. The way her voice fits so perfectly to the way her face looks. It's perfection.

"So, you go to school back in Virginia?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Where are you from?" She asks me.

"I'm from Indiana," I explain and she nods. "do you want to go out with me sometime?" I ask, without even thinking. I can't believe I just said that. She looks confused. Shit.

"No,I'm sorry," I shake my head.

"No, it's fine. I mean, I'm fifteen. You're older." She tells me. Wait, she's only fifteen? I thought she would be older..

"That's okay," I tell her. She smiles.

"Don't tell Matt," she responds and I giggle. Yes! I won.

"I won't." I tell her. "so, I don't want Matt freaking out on me. "I'll take you somewhere mellow. Like, starbucks." I tell her. No seriously, Matt will kill me. I know that Nash likes her. A lot. I have to be careful, but I'll get her. She nods and we exchange phone numbers. I ask her if she has the other guys phone numbers but she says she only has Nash's, Hayes', and Cam's.

Cameron, Matt, Hayes and Nash all come for us. Matt doesn't have the biggest smile on.

"Ariana, you hit one hundred thousand on twitter." Matt sits next to me.

"It's not such a big deal, " She laughs. Fuck, it hurts to hear that.

"Yes, Tis." he replies. It looks like Jack G, and Carter come for us.

"Guys, the cleaning lady got really mad," They both start laughing really hard.

"Who's room?" I ask.

"Nash, Hayes and Skylynns." Jack replies.

"Is Skylynn still asleep in there?" Nash replies, looking worried.

"I moved her to my room," Carter tells him and Nash calms down. He's really protective over her.

"Where's Aaron, Jack and Shawn?" Cam asks.

"Oh, they're upstairs in Aarons room. Playing flappy bird." Carter explains. They're always playing it. It's taking over their lives.

"Always playin that huh?" Hayes adds.

"All day." Nash says and we all laugh, Ariana just smiles. Carter and Jack both shake hands with Ariana. She didn't meet them yet?

"Alright guys, I'm going upstairs. Ariana," Matt motions Ariana to come and she follows him. I notice my eyes and all the other guys' eyes laid on them as they walk away.

"Zayum," Cam laughs and Nash playfully punches him.

"Dude," Nash shakes his head.

"Back off, Matt's going to murder you." Carter remarks.

"Too late," I get up and start walking towards the elevator. Cam pulls me by my shirt.

"What?" he asks and the boys attention turns to me.

"I may have.. asked her out." I tell them and they look stunned.

"Are you kidding?" Nash stands up.

"Calm down," I roll my eyes.

"What did she say?" Cameron asks.

"Guys, I just asked her to go to starbucks. Not such a big deal." I tell them and Nash sighs . "you guys can't tell Matt." I remark.

"Oh, I'm not getting involved." Cameron, lifts his hands up, like he's getting arrested.

"Neither am I," Carter says.

"Same," Jack says. Why are these guys so caught up on this? Calm the fuck down. I start walking upstairs to my room. I hope none of the guys are going to tell Matt. He'll kill me.

Ariana's POV

I'm happy Taylor asked me but I'm confused. I like Nash too. What should I do? Plus, If Matt finds out, he'll throw a fit. He told me I'm not supposed to get too close to the guys. He told me he trusts them, just not in this way. Suddenly, Taylor texts me.

"You might want to tell Matt, before the other guys do."

"They know?"


"I tell him tomorrow."

"Okay. Gn. Sweet dreams"

"Thanks. Goodnight."

"Who are you texting?" Matt asks me as he walks out of the bathroom.

"No one." I delete the texts instantly.

"Did you call mom today?" he asks me, as he sits on the hotel room bed.

"Yeah. You?" I reply and he nods. I put my long hair up in a ponytail and change into shorts and a Tshirt.

"Did you see the vine at Magcon?" he asks.

"No." I tell him and he pulls out his phone. It's all of them dancing to "my lipgloss is poppin'

"Cute," I smile. "so when do we fly back home?" I ask Matt.

"Right when summer ends," he laughs. I don't even know if I'm excited to go back home. I could get used to this.

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