Chapter 30

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The hotel door holder, opens the door for Spencer and I as we step outside into the hot LA air. Maggie offered to pick us up from her hotel in a LIMO. Wow. The guys are meeting us there. I have no idea where this restaurant is or what the name is. But I just feel so classy. Hell, I feel like a celebrity. Dressing like I'm rich even though I'm not. Ooopss.

We step onto the black escalade limo and Maggie greets us with hugs.

"Oh my god, you girls look amazing!" She gapes, her mouth open wide.

"You look stunning too!" Spencer says and she smiles. She's actually the cutest little thing in America.

"Glad we all agreed on black lipstick," she laughs and we nod.

"Hell yeah!" I yell as Maggie hands me a glass of pink champagne.

Flashes of me drinking with Taylor suddenly appear in my mind but I shake them off. I haven't taken a drink since that night. But, champagne is a classy drink. I doubt we can get super drunk off of it.

"Uch, I love this champagne," Spencer almost finishes the whole glass. "Well, Ariana isn't the biggest drinking type but she likes this shit."

"I love this shit." I giggle. "So where are we going?"

Maggie smiles even bigger. "This fancy ass place called The Little Door."

"OOO lala. Have you been there?" Spencer asks Maggie and she shakes her head.

"I've heard of it. I don't know how the guys are able to afford this." Maggie explains. I hope they're not spending all they've got on this.
"Maybe we should help pay," I shrug and they both nod.

"They'll refuse but women power, right?" Spencer laughs. Spencer and Matt have been concerning me lately. I don't know, I mean, they have sexual glances and stares at each other and it's somewhat odd to me. My best friend and my brother? I'm okay with it, I guess but I hope they don't do anything stupid. And god, no more drama. Hopefully, Matt understands by now how to prevent drama.
Finally, we arrive at the restaurant and Matt, Taylor, Carter, Cam and Nash all standing outside the place. When the limo arrives their attention immediately turns to the car. All their smiles grow as we step out of the limo. They're all wearing tuxes. I'm dying, they all look amazing.

"What the fuck?" Carter looms at Cam and they laugh.

"We knew you'd laugh, but we like black," Maggie rolls her eyes at Carter jokingly.
Nash shakes his head as I approach him. "I for one, like this whole- gothic look," he says sarcastically.

"You're cheeky," I smile and he kisses me lightly. Carter whistles but Matt stays silent.
"Didn't know you guys were official again," Taylor laughs, then leads us into the restaurant.

"We're not," I reply quickly and unconsciously. Nash lightly tugs at my arm and I know he's probably going to talk to me about the title. As everyone takes their seats at the table, Nash holds me back in the corner.

"So what are we? A fling?" He looks at me with his eyes narrowed. I sigh before answering him.

"No Nash. We are dating. And I love you, " I shoot him a huge smile and he snickers.
Note: Nash loves sweet talk

"I love you too," he whispers before leading us back to the table.

Cameron shoots me a couple awkward glances. I don't know what's been up with him. He's been staring at me all the time. I've even caught Him staring at my butt, boobs and legs. Him and I are such good friends and I don't want any sexual attractiveness to get in the way of it.
Should I ignore it?
Should I confront Nash and tell him that it makes me uncomfortable?
I don't even know anymore.

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