Chapter 32

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AN: Before you read this, I just want to let you guys in on something new. The more you comment and vote, the faster we update. Let's see how many comments we can get bbs. Ly. x Sapir

When I wake up, I check my phone to see what time it is. 2:000 pm I slept in that long? It makes sense because I jump out of bed, and head down the stairs of the apartment. 

"Cam?" I call out. No ones here. Though, someone was here. Theres cereal everywhere and Cam forgot to put everything back. The house is a mess. I pull out my phone to call Cam to see what's going on, but I can't help but check twitter first. Trending: 

NashandAriana Of course that's trending along with a picture of Ariana and I kissing. The picture brings a huge smile to my face. Just as I'm putting the cereal back and sweeping the floor, the doorbell rings."ITS OPEN," I say loudly. Mahogany walks in holding a bag from dunkin donuts. 

"Hey sleepy ass," she puts the bag on the island in the kitchen. She's always wearing the cute little cat ears and her socks are all the way up to her knees and she's wearing a skirt along with it. I rub my eyes, "where is everyone?" 

she shrugs, "well, Cam and Matt went to go follow Ariana and her grade. They were bored."

Well, damn. Are they ever going to leave her alone? I don't even think that she wants to speak to me, even though we said no fights. She's mad and it's obvious. "You wanna go too?" I scratch my head.

She giggles, shaking her head, "yo Mr. Loverboy. Calm yourself."

"Shut up," I laugh, grabbing the bag from the counter. I look inside, "donuts at three in the afternoon? Yes." 

"Put a shirt on. You're coming with me, Hollywood?" she plops down on to the couch. "Taylor's in his car waiting." I nod, and run up the stairs to grab a T-shirt and better pants.

Ariana's POV The old tour guide, keeps on ranting on about when the Hollywood star walk was made and who established it and blah blah. I'm just on the lookout for Cam and Matt. I wanna be with them, I don't want to be here with my grade. The girls keep taking selfies with me for their stories and It just gets so annoying. The boys keep flirting with me and I can't stand it. It's only because my brother is a celebrity. 

My teacher, Mr. Paul, is so old he wouldn't even notice if I left, would he? He's probably on the lookout for me the most actually. Spencer rolls her eyes, huffing out the loudest breath. No one cares where they made the stars, we've probably all been here before anyways. I feel someone pinch me lightly from behind.

"Ariana," I look back to see Matt and Cam. They found us. "Let's go, come on." Cam grabs my arm. Matt is looking at Spencer and it makes me smile.

"I can't just leave, you dipshit," I whisper back. A few of the kids in my grade notice, snapping pictures of Matt and Cam. God, I hope Mr. Paul doesn't notice. 

"I called your principal and I told her how everybody's been acting weird around you and different and that you didn't like it. I even got mom to convince her to let you stay with us for the rest of your trip here," Matt whispers and I almost squeal of excitement.

"But, we could convince her to let Spencer come with us." his voice soften as he mentions Spencer. 

Spencer smiles. "It's totally okay. You guys go have fun, I'll catch up with you at the airport tomorrow night." If I go to the airport. If I even decide to go home. I really want to stay here. Maybe I don't even have to stay with Nash, it seems like a huge step and mom would never agree.

I could live here with Matt, Taylor, Maggie or even Mahogany. It doesn't matter who, I just don't want to go back. I wanna be with my family. These people are my family. It's still cold in Virginia and it's so warm in L.A. I just love it here, it's as if I belong. Matt heads over to Mr. Paul, and as Matt explains, showing him an Email from the principal, he nods, obviously not caring.

Skylynn's BabysitterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora