Chapter 3

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The flight was long but I'm glad we're in California. I always wanted to go to San Fran and I'm finally here. I'm kind of upset that the guys weren't on the same flight as us but, I'll see them today so it doesn't matter. I hope to get to know a lot of them better. I rarely even spoke to Aaron or Shawn before. When we get off the taxi and into the fancy Holiday Inn, Matt tells me the guys'll be here soon. Magcon's supposed to be twice as big because we're in Cali, so twice the babysitting and twice the paycheck. The money goes straight from Nash's bank account to mine. I really have no idea how, but it just does and it's pretty cool. I want to go shopping so badly, but I have no one to go with. My best friend Lexi is in Virginia. I miss he so much and I sorta feel bad for not texting or calling lately. I guess I'll just take Skylynn shopping. We'll get our nails done and everything, I'm sure she'll love to. Skylynn will be with her mother when Magcon heads for Las Vegas. She'll be back after though. She hates not seeing her brothers. When we get to our room Matt sits on his bed and sighs. He's been awfully quiet today. Shit, I forgot to tell him about Taylor and I. 

"What?" I look at him. 

"I'm scared for you, Ari." he admits and I roll my eyes. 

"Stop Matt. Nothing's going to happen to me. You said that these guys are one hundred percent safe and fun to be around." I tell him and he shrugs, knowing I'm right. "why are you so over protective?"  I ask. 

"We already lost dad, I don't want to loose you too. You're my babysister and I love you," he opens his arms out for me and I feel won over as I walk over to him. 

"I love you too," I kiss his cheek. 

"You think dad'll get out of jail anytime soon?" he looks down at me and I shrug. 

"I dunno," I say slowly as a tear falls down my cheek. He wipes it with his thumbs. 

"Lets not talk about this, okay?" he says and I nod as I look up at him. Suddenly the door shoots open and Cam, Nash and Taylor all run in screaming "you should have locked your door!" They all slowly back up as they notice the intense moment that Matt and I are having. I get up from the bed. 

"No, It's fine. You guys have fun," I walk out quickly and run down the emergency staircase quickly. I need to get some fresh air. 

Nash's POV 

"Woah, dude. Did you make her cry?" I sit next to Matt and he chuckles lightly. 

"Nah, we were just talking about something personal. Whatever, forget it." Matt says and Aaron, Carter and Shawn walk in. 

"Wasupp?" Carter throws himself at Matt. 

"Hey ya'll. Want to go out somewhere guys? Out for Pizza or somethin'?" Matt suggests and we all shrug. 

"Sure, legoo!" Cameron heads for the door and we all follow. 

"Wait! Skylynn," I tell them and they groan. 

"That's why we have Ariana, stupid ass." Cameron says which makes me kind of mad. It sounds like were using her for our use and just throw her out like she's nothing. 

"She just ran out of here crying," I tell them. 

"It's fine, I'll text her," Matt says  but I stop him again. I think they should just leabe her alone. 

"No, it's fine. I'll take Skylynn with us, " I tell him and he shrugs. 

"Okay, she with Hayes?" Matt asks me and I nod.  We go downstairs to get Skylynn, Hayes, Jack and Jack. 

As we head out, I don't see Ariana. Though, I notice Taylor isn't with us. 

"Hey guys, where's Taylor?" I ask and Shawn pulls out his phone. 

"I saw him talking to Ariana downstairs," Skylynn says quietly while twirling her short blonde hair. 

"What?" Matt quickly responds, looking back at the hotel were walking away from. 

"Chill," Carter shakes his head. 

"Whatever," Matt lies. Shawn dials Taylor's number and it starts ringing. 

"Hello?"  Taylor's southern accent rings through the IPhone. 

"Yeah, why didn't you come?" Shawn asks and we all listen, still walking to Pizza Hut across the street. 

"I don't know, I guess I'm a little jet lagged," he says calmly but Matt doesn't look to happy. Shawn says bye and they hang up. Damn, I hope Taylor doesn't do anything stupid. 

Taylor's POV

She's so fucking gorgeous and I can't take this anymore. Her laugh makes my stomach drop.She's perfection and I want her. Now. 

"So..Starbucks?" I ask her and she nods as we get up from the hotel lobby couch. I wonder what she was upset about before. I don't ask her though. I don't want her crying. I take a couple of selfies with her on the way there. Can't I just label her my fucking girlfriend already? It's driving me insane. 

"Bandana's really look good on you," she compliments me and I smile. 

"Thanks," I say back and she smiles. 

"What inspired you to wear them?" she asks. 

"Don't laugh but, Harry Styles." I tell her and she holds her mouth to keep her from laughing. 

"He wears bandanas?" she lifts a brow and I nod.

"Yeah. Sometimes," I laugh and she giggles. 

We stop at Starbucks and order. As we sit down, I ask her all kinds of questions. What she majors on, who's her idol..etc. I'm becoming obsessed with this girl. Matt tells me all the time to back off. I don't know if I can. I finally understand why he's been hiding her from us all this time. 

"So you haven't told Matthew," I smile and she nods. 

"Yeah, I was too scared," she admits, shuffling around on the hard chair. 

"You know you can date whoever you want to, right?" I tel her and she looks at me, her big brown eyes sparkling. 

"I know," she says quietly. 

"So why are you so afraid of Matt? Tell him you can do whatever you want," I tell her and she sighs. Flipping her brown hair behind her back. 

"I don't know. It's complicated." 

"I'm sneaking you out tonight," I cut straight to the thought I've been thinking about for a while. 

"What?" she looks confused. 

"To a club, you look older than you really do. Ever heard of a fake ID?" I ask her and she shakes her head. Obviously. She's way too innocent. Probably a virgin too. I wouldn't blame her though..she's a bit young. 

"I've heard about it b-" she starts but I cut her off. 

"I'll take care of it. Don't tell anyone. We'll leave at around one or two AM." I tell her and he eyes pop. 

"Are you sure because," she starts. 

"I'm positive, done it millions of times." I wink at her and she smiles. 

"Fine, but don't you have Magcon tomorrow?" she asks me. 

"Yeah, I don't mind being a bit tired though." I tell her. Suddenly, a couple of shrieks come from the back of the room. 

"Taylor!" two teenage blondes come running for us and I fake a smile. 

"Hey," I stand up to hug them and they ask Ariana to take a picture of me and them which I thought was kind of rude. 

"Hey, aren't you Ariana? Matthew's sister?" they ask and she nods sweetly. 

"Can we have a picture with you?" they ask and she looks kind of freaked out. New to this much?

"Sure," she smiles and I snap a picture for them and they leave. As they exit the store, everyone inside starts staring at us and I grab Ariana by the hand before people start asking for more pictures. God, sometimes, I hate this fame. 

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