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Correct one is Liu!!!

Thnx for playing the guessing game!!

Stay tuned for more fun mini games or not I don't even know 😂 😂.

This chapter is kinda sad...

"Liu.. why is your voice so different?" I questioned as I took a step back.

"Thats because I'm not Liu at the moment sweetheart" he spoke- his voice darker than usual and his eyes. They turned darker as well.

It sent a shiver up my spin, almost like a horror movie. I'm the victim trying to run from the killer in the woods. However, this killer is delusional! How is he not Liu when he clearly is!

I looked at him trying to form the words to say. He seemed to catch my drift and chuckled a deep chuckle- kinda like Jeff's but.. more demonic.

"Look at that look on your pretty face, you have no idea who I am do you?" He chuckled once more.

"Of course I do!" I stuttered out, "you're Liu! But you're not at the same time." I trailed off.

"See that doesn't make sense but it's not to far from the truth I suppose" he laughed a bit.

'This doesn't make any sense' I though to myself as my eyes trailed over him.

"I am Liu but I am not at the same time" he paused scanning over my face to see if I'm comprehending everything, "Liu has a split personality. Which is me!" He beamed.

'That makes sense now, why didn't I think of that?' I screamed in my head. 'Probably because I never heard of this coming from Liu- Liu never told me'

"I am Sully. The other part of Liu- the better part of him anyway" he grinned at me.

I looked at Liu- more like Sully trying to understand everything. Although something doesn't add up. Liu and I have been childhood friends- he never once had said he had a split personality.

"Liu never told me this, I was his best friend since childhood." I explained as I looked at Sully.

Sully looked back at me with an amused face.

"That's because I didn't come till later- after a certain accident that had occurred" he told me.

"Okay" I stammered a bit, "so why are you here.. Sully?" I asked as I took another step back.

"Oh you know trying to take a walk through the woods- meeting you and wanting to kill you. Just the usual" he laughed a bit.

"Kill me?" I stuttered out my breath quickening as did my heart.

"Why else am I here? I told you I wanted to talk- we did and now I'm disposing the evidence. Besides it's better this way. Liu will deal with one less problem and all your so called 'friends' can live their own pathetic lives in harmony with their little groups" he paused, "though are they even your friends? Look how they treat you. They left you- all of them."

"No they didn't" I stuttered trying to find my confidence. "They are just exploring their comfort zone, nothing wrong with that" I told him.

"Oh really? Don't be so naive y/n
even kaspien and Carrah left you- those two don't need anyone else since they have each other as friends. Carissa ditched you, Mercedes left you in the dust, hell, even Xavier left you for someone else- someone that's better. Nicole even left you. "

"Not true" I stuttered out as some tears slipped through my eyes. "They are just making new friends! That's all"

However, every word he spoke stabbed my heart, the tears are falling more and more. The painful thing about it, is the fact that it's all true. How could I not see it?

"You know the worst part of it all?" He looked at me- wanting to see what I would do. I only looked at him with teary eyes. "Luke is just using you, so is Ben. Not just that but Xavier never liked you as a friend- he only pitied you because of the circumstance. He pitied you and he was ordered to be your so called friend when you were young by his parents. The only reason he even considered asking you out was the fact that his father told him so you wouldn't be lonely at the dance. He was relieved when you said no- that's why he is with Jessica. Someone who he loves. Someone that's not you" he finished.

By then I was on my knees crying- while trying to wipe the tears away.

"Your life y/n was a lie from the beginning. The only people that actual love you is your parents but even then you'll be gone to college in a few years so they'll be gone." He walked towards me.

"Nobody loves you at your school, they pity you. Luke wanted your body, Xavier wanted your trust, your so called friends wanted your stuff that you had and your money- they all used you in some way. None of them likes you, that's why they ditched you for something better that can benefit them more" he grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked me up to look at my face that was covered in tears. "You are nothing but a dumb doll who was pushed around since childhood, you are nothing" he slammed my head on the ground, black dots began to cover my vision.

My whole life..

Was a lie..

Last thing I heard was a deep, dark, demonic laugh.
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Don't really like this chapter much but it keeps the story going!

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