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'God, please let this be my imagination' I thought, scolding myself for taking a wrong turn.

I tried turning the door knob hoping I could get inside instead of answering him however; to my surprise, it's locked.

'You've got to kidding me right now' I screamed in my head.

I slowly turned around looking at him, he was dressed in a black tuxedo- probably stolen. His scarf wrapped around his neck as usual and his eyes locked on my own- even in the dark his eyes has me held captive.

Or maybe I'm just scared that I'm locked outside in the dark, by myself, with a man who can snap at any minute and seriously hurt me.

Ya, that's it.

His hands are in his pocket as his posture gave off a chill vibe, calm and collected even though I knew he could snap into that dark persona of his, Sully I think his name was.

Sully kinda reminds me of an edge lord but has the tendency to threaten people's lives.

My thoughts were cut short from his sudden voice.

"I'm glad I ran into you on this fine evening, don't you agree?" Liu asked, looking at me- smirking. I can see his features somewhat well, his stitches were noticeable in the moonlight. He is still attractive.

I gulped a bit out of nervousness.

"Y-yea. . . I guess you could say that" I cursed myself for stuttering a bit, but who wouldn't in this situation? My back pressed against the door, praying that someone will come. I don't think I can outrun him to the front of the building. But maybe I could distract him enough to buy me some time for someone to notice that I have been gone for a while.

It's the best plan I got.

"So" I trailed of a bit, "How's life" I mentally kicked myself for saying such a vague question, to be honest I am quite afraid of what his answer might be. I mean, I know Liu but my gut tells me something is off about him. Although, I just smiled nervously, patiently waiting for his answer.

"Well, if you must know" he took strides towards my frighten figure. "It has been very bland, you could say" he then chuckled a bit.

"Oh, how come?" I nervously asked, I swear I may or may not be sweating- it could be my imagination.

"That is saved for another day, right now is prom I believe" he held out his hand, "care to dance?" He asked a smiled a bit.

I looked at his hand and back at him. Did he really think I am going to dance with him? First, how did he know I would be out here. Second, how did he know it was prom. Third, how did he know this is the location and what time.

He saw how I didn't react right away and his smiled altered a bit.

"It's just one dance, that's all I ask Y/N. Please?" He asked again, I hesitated a bit. Should I? I mean it's one dance but. . My gut just tells me to run. Well, to get out of this situation as quick as possible. Let's just do what my gut tells me, it's for the best.

"As much as I would love too" I began, "I will have to decline your offer. I'm sorry but I came here with friends and I will stay with them" I finished. I looked at him, trying to figure out what he might say in return. I guess it didn't take long for his answer to come.

"I am your friend, am I not?" He questioned me, "so it won't be a problem for one dance? You can leave right after" he implied.

Of course we are friends, I thought. It just I have this nagging feeling that won't go away. I want to tell him but I'm nervous. I glanced to the side a bit, thinking on what to say. Finally I came up with something.

"Yes, we are friends. But, I did not come with you and I already have a dance partner. Please, I think it is best for you to go" I quietly responded, my eyes drifting to the ground. I couldn't bare to look into his eyes, he must be hurt or something.

"I see" I saw his hand retreat back into his pocket.

We just kinda stood there for a good minute. I can feel his intense gaze on my form.

"Look" I stuttered out, "I think it is best if y-" I was rudely cut off by the sound of the palm of hands hitting the door. Two of them, both beside my head.

"Look doll" the voice grew dark.
"I just want a simple dance, you are very cute" He had complemented me.

"Look at me when I talk to you" his voice became a little angry and way more demanding than the Liu I know.

I did as I was told, his eyes were darker green.

"Liu had asked nicely, not fair for him for you to blow him off like that. I suggest I get a dance or else you won't be seeing your pesky friends for a while or" he trailed off. His eyes scanning me. He smirked a bit and leaned in close to my ear.

"We could have some real fun, you know. We can ditch these losers and rent a hotel for the night. I'm curious as to see your flustered face under me while I hold you and kiss you all over, now wouldn't that be fun" he whispered, sending a chill up my spine.

I put my hands up to his chest and lightly pushed him, trying to give him a sign that he is way to close.

"Back up" I whispered, "you're too close to me"

He took my hands in his own, my gaze on the floor as my face was red hot.

"Hmm seems you are already flustered, well we could go into the bushes. You are just so tempting, though, I still need to do somethings." He let go of my hands and took some steps back.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Until next time Y/N" he winked at me and quickly vanished.

After his figure was gone I fell to my knees.

'Oh god, prom is scary' I mentally noted. 'I got to get back'

I got up after a minute and dusted my dress off.

Just as I was about to turn the corner the door that I had came through opened.

I rushed to the door.

"Thank you for opening the door. . . "

Who is the mystery person?

I love these mysteries, sorry. 😂

Hope you enjoy it!!

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