Chapter Fifteen - Tyler's P.O.V

Start from the beginning

    "Maybe you guys just need to talk. I don't think either of you will truly be able to come to terms with what you feel about each other until you get the answers and the closure that you should've gotten back when things broke off between you two." I have always admired Jess's wisdom, and it's certainly something that I have been in need of. I missed these girls so damn much.

    "I guess I'll give it another try, but if it results in screaming once again I think that may just have to be the end of my efforts. I can't keep battling with my past." Both of them nod, showing they understand and agree. "So, what has Shayna been up to? I haven't heard from her since, well, whenever the last time all of us got together was... which was certainly a while ago."

    "She's still living in Cali," Liz answered. "I hear from her every now and then but mostly I only keep up with her on social media, kinda like how we had gotten with you too." I knew that she didn't mean that to be shady, she was right. Beyond liking each other's Instagram pictures, we weren't doing much to stay in touch. Being so far away, it just wasn't easy.

    "Yeah that's right, I can't believe it. I miss having all four of us together." I responded, missing the good old days. Until I started thinking. "You know what, we should go!"

    "To California? Are you crazy?" Jess laughed. "We have jobs and responsibilities now, when on earth do you think we're supposed to go to California?!"

    "Whenever! If I've learned anything from being on this tour and away from work for the past few days it's that you can always be more spontaneous than you think you can. Why not at least take a shot at it?"

    "I'm up for it if you are Jess..." Liz hesitated, but I could tell deep down that this was the sort of adventure that she had been craving since high school. We all had been.

    Jess sat there for a minute and looked back and forth between Liz and I, debating in her head between being rational or feeling young again, and ultimately, we had won the battle.

    "Ugh, fine you guys. Let's go!" Our smiles grew and we all got so excited. This was exactly what I needed. Just as I wanted to start making plans for this new trip, my phone started ringing.

    "Alena?! Where on earth are you? What the hell happened? You can't just storm off like that, are you okay?" Josh rambled through the phone, freaking out at me like I was some kind of child.

    "Josh you need to relax. I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. I'm perfectly fine."

    "Where are you?" He asked, slightly calmer than before.

    "I'm just down the street at this little cafe. Remember Jess and Liz? I ran into them and we've been chatting for a while. You need to chill out."

    "Goodness. Tyler and I were panicked." He exhaled, sighing with relief."

    "Don't tell Tyler where I am. I don't need him running over here to find me. This is the first moment of peace I've gotten all week."

    "And what am I supposed to tell him Alena?" He begins to freak out again, but I quickly tell him to just tell Tyler that I'm okay, that that is all he needs to know for now.

    "I will be back soon. You guys go do what you need to for tonight, I can take care of myself." And with that, I hung up the phone.

Tyler's P.O.V

    After a few minutes, Josh finally began walking to where I was on the stage. Soundcheck was to begin any minute now, but right now all I wanted was to know what the hell happened to her.

    "She's okay Tyler."

    "Wait... that's it?" I tried to stop him from walking towards his drums, hoping to get a better answer than that, but he just kept going. "That's all that we know?"

    "Yes, she said that she can take care of herself, she'll be back soon, and she's okay. Let's just do what needs to be done. Enough worrying about her." He picked up his drum sticks and tried to show that he was moving past it. As much as I didn't believe him, I knew it was a futile cause. Abandoning my efforts, I walked back to the piano and took a seat, trying to remove the thought of her from my mind.

Alena's P.O.V

    I leave the cafe about half an hour later with a trip to California with Jess and Liz booked for a week after I get home from the tour. I purchased tickets for both Derrick and I, since both of the girls were more than happy to have him join us. Thank goodness, cause I am in desperate need of being in his company again. I texted him to tell him to take the trip dates off of work, saying that I would explain why later but that he won't be disappointed. With that, I begin to walk back down the boardwalk towards the venue.

    It's crazy how differently I take all of it in as a walk past in now compared to running through it earlier. The ocean breeze on my skin and the salty scent in the air, I feel so at peace. There are few people walking past me, nothing like scrambling through New York just yesterday. I couldn't have been in a better place at a better time for clearing my head. Just what I had needed.

    By the time I arrive back at the venue, I can hear the guys finishing up their soundcheck, all of the guys on the crew yelling out to them and toying with everything to make sure all equipment is set for tonight's performance. I ignore the stage and walk back to the bus, making myself at home and trying to maintain the relaxation that I was able to get in touch with on my way back here.

    Unfortunately, this doesn't last for long. It was only a few moments later that the boys come storming onto the bus.

    "What on earth were you thinking Alena? I have been trying to wrap my head around this since you left, and there's nothing. Nothing makes enough sense to completely explain to me what happened back there and why you would just run off like that. Do you understand how selfish of you it was to do that? I cannot believe you Alena." Tyler just kept going on and on, trying to make me feel guilty but I simply couldn't be bothered. I needed that time alone whether the two of them understand that or not. Why should I apologize for something that was so healthy for me?

    "Tyler, maybe you should go take a minute outside, please." Josh asked. Tyler complied, walking out the door and leaving Josh and I to speak about what had happened.

    For a minute, Josh nor I spoke, our eyes both drawn to the floor. I began to break the silence, stating his name, about to explain myself. But just as the sound of his name escaped my lips, he began to speak over me.

    "Alena, I don't care what happened, I just think it's really time that you and Tyler talk for real. You have two days left with us until you go home, so take the opportunity while you have it. Until then, these games have to stop."

    "These games aren't just being perpetrated by me! He is even worse!" I attempt to defend myself, but what's the use? Josh isn't entirely wrong, I did nothing to help the status of my situation today.

    "I get that Alena. I'm going to talk to him too." He paused. "Please just try. Try to be civil. Try to talk it out."

    And with that, he got up and left the bus. And I was left alone with my thoughts.

Well at last I have free time and can write!!! I'm sorry it has been so long, but I hope this chapter is good enough that it makes up for it :) Hope to be updating again soon, but as you guys have probably learned, I can't promise anything. Enjoy!

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