The one where they're on tour

Start from the beginning

"Ok," she said, pulling the covers off of her.

"Oh and by the way, I want you to sing 22 with me on stage. Ok cool, I'm going to change," I sprung on her, quickly leaving her room.

"What!" I heard her scream as I shut my door. "TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT I AM NOT GETTING ON STAGE IN FRONT OF LIKE A MILLION PEOPLE AND SINGING WITH YOU!" She came banging on my door.

"Please! I really want you to," I said to her as I opened the door.

"No way in hell," she said simply.

"Please Katie," I begged.

"No way, I can't sing in front of all those fans. No, when I sing I sound like a dying donkey," she argued, flopping onto my bed.

"That is not true!" I argued. "You have an amazing voice!"

"No I do not, I sound like one of those embarrassing moms who tries to sing badly except I'M NOT TRYING," she protested.

"That can't be true considering you're on glee!" Taylor insisted.

"I'm a minor reoccurring character!" I said.

"I don't care; you're my sister and good voice or not you're singing with me, end of story," I finished.

"I can't, the only reason I'm allowed to take time off school and go on tour with you is because it's a photography 'internship'. If I'm on stage then who will take the pictures?" She argued.

"I don't care about the stupid pictures! You're singing with me!" I told her.

"No way!" She yelled, walking back to her room.

"Yes way!" I yelled back.

"Stop yelling!" Austin yelled at us.

"Shut up Austin!" Kaitlyn and I yelled in sync like we used to when we were kids.

"Kaitlyn go shower now or we're going to be late!" I yelled to my sister.

"Alright, alright! I'm going!" She yelled at me impatiently.

I walked out to the kitchen where Austin was waiting. I started making a breakfast of toaster-made waffles for all three of us. After 15 minutes passed and Kaitlyn still wasn't out, I went back to her room to check on her. I opened the door and saw her dressed in some black leggings and one of her many NYU sweatshirts. The only problem was that she was asleep on her bed again.

"Kaitlyn, wake up, it's time for breakfast then we need to get on the buses," I said sweetly into her ear.

"I am up; I'm just resting my eyes," she said, opening her eyes and looking into mine.

"Ok well come be tired in the kitchen while you eat," I said, pulling her up to standing. I dragged her by the hand until we got to the kitchen where I sat her down on a chair and told her to eat. I ate quickly then ran to my room to make sure that everything I needed was in my suitcase. I checked my bathroom again, making sure absolutely everything was in my bag. When I was done I went into Kaitlyn's room and double checked everything for her.

"Taylor! What time are we leaving?" Kaitlyn yelled to me.

"7:30!" I yelled back.

"It's 7:29!" She told me.

"We need to leave! Get your stuff together," I told her.

"Ok," she said, walking past me to get to her room.

"Do you have all of your school stuff?" I asked.

"Yup," she replied.

"And your camera stuff?" I asked again.

"Yes Taylor, I have everything don't worry," she told me.

"Ok ok. Let's go so we have time to stop at Starbucks on the way," I said.

"No arguments here," she said, bringing her suitcase and multiple bags to the door. We loaded Austin's car with Austin's help then Austin drove us to the nearest Starbucks. I got an iced Caramel latte with two Sweet 'N Lows in it and Kaitlyn got a Latte while Austin got a regular cold brew. We drove the rest of the way to where the tour buses were waiting for us. We were only a few minutes late. When we got there, there were four buses: one for me, Kaitlyn, and mom; another for Ed and two for management and the crew along with around six trucks. We put our stuff in our bus and got onto the bus after saying goodbye to Austin who would not be joining us until after his school year. The buses were really nice. They had four beds, a bathroom, a lounge space in the back, two couches in the front, and a small table with a bench.

As the bus started, I pulled out my guitar and started strumming some of my songs while Kaitlyn sat and did her homework. I started singing some songs from my albums in hopes that Kaitlyn would join me. I was singing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, which is her favorite, when she finally started humming and singing to herself. I continued to play a couple more songs and she slowly started singing louder so that I could hear her more clearly. She has a beautiful voice; I only wish she could hear that. I guess it's my fault that she feels that way about her voice since she always compares herself to me. That sounded bad, let me rephrase that. She is always comparing herself to a world famous singer which makes her think she's bad. Better. I started playing 22 so that I could hear how our voices sounded together, for the concert that she would perform with me at. (Video at top is Kaitlyn's voice)

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me, but I bet you wanted to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22
Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah

It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news, I gotta have you
I gotta have you

We finished the song together as my mom walked into the room and sat on the couch across from me.

"Sounds good girls; I can't wait to hear it on stage!" Mom said happily.

"Keep waiting," Kaitlyn said without looking up from her books.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"She doesn't want to perform with me," I told mom.

"Why?" She asked Kaitlyn.

"She says her voice sounds like a dying donkey," I answered for her.

"Kait, why would you think that?" Mom asked.

"Because it does," Kaitlyn said.

"No it doesn't!" I insisted.

"I'm not singing with you Taylor," she told me.

"Please," I begged.

"No. Now leave me alone I need to finish this," she said, reverting her attention back to her homework.

She will sing with me. She doesn't want to now, but I have a plan. (*cue evil laugh) mua ha ha😈

A/N: I'm so excited for this tour video I'm going to watch it like 100 times when it's out. Thanks for reading! Have a good day!

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