Chapter 24- Cheater Cheater, Keep or Ditch Her.

Start bij het begin

"Neverland? Whats Neverland?" Hysa asked, backing away once she knew Bailee would tell her anything now.

"Its another island... West from here." Bailee prayed that Hysa couldn't smell the lie she had just told.

"But the ship came North." Hysa said, cocking a white eyebrow.

"Oh, ya it could of been North." Bailee said. Crap.

"Yes.." Hysa said, nodding, "What are your plans?"

"Plans? I don't remember hearing any plans.." Bailee said, completely honest.

"So riddle me this!" Hysa said, jumping forward and making Bailee flinch, "You came for no reason?"

"I was a prisoner!" Bailee cried, "Zac saved me!"

"Zac.." Hysa said, smirking, "Zac.. The serpent prince, but he has no relation to the King or Queen.. By blood anyways."

"What?" Bailee asked, confused.

"Zac is the Prince. But his parents arn't the same species as him." Hysa said, smirking, "Doesn't that seem a little... Strange?"

Bailee thought about it for a minute. She hadn't really put much thought in it before..

"I guess that is a little strange.. What? Is he adopted?" Bailee asked.

Hysa let out a loud chuckle laugh like thing, before throwing the stick she had been sharpening at Bailee. It flew in a spiral and stuck in the tree right beside Bailee's face.

Bailee gasped and bit her lip to hold in a scream.

"No! Foolish girl! Zac is married to the King and Queen's daughter!" Hysa roared.

Realization struck, and Bailee's mouth opened in shock.

"You mean..." Bailee said.

"I mean that you kissed the Prince of the Serpents, who is married to the King and Queens daughter!" Hysa laughed.

This aggravated Bailee. How could she let herself fall for someone who is married!? Married!! And the fact that Hysa wouldn't stop laughing about it..

"Where's Zac?" Bailee asked threw gritted teeth.

"Hey." Hysa said, her face serious now, "What did I say? I ask the qu-" "Tell me where Zac is!"

Hysa stood in shock.

"Tell me." Bailee said, tears threatening to spill.

Hysa smiled and threw a log in the fire. The flames threw themselves up, making the light brighter and go out farther.

Bailee stared, straight ahead of her, Zac hung tied to a tree like herself. But he was unconscious.

"Let him down!" Bailee yelled, struggling against the ropes.

"I don't understand you human girls." Hysa said, staring at Bailee with curiosity, "He's married to a princess, but you still act as if your in love with him?"

"I am not in love with him!" Bailee cried, still struggling against the ropes.

"Then someones on your mind," Hysa smirked, her sharp teeth showing, "that Peter guy, perhaps?"

Bailee froze, "Why are you asking me these things?"

"Why are you asking me questions when I said I was the one asking them."

"What do I have to do to get it across to you that I don't care."

Hysa's wide, cat eyes narrowed in Bailee's direction, and Bailee stood her ground.

Hysa soon smirked, "I'm just curious as to why the Serpent would save you, instead of having a nice meal."

Bailee gulped, "Tha-that's a very good question."

"Hmm." Hysa smiled, "You know, the mind of serpents always did fascinate me."

"Wht do you mean?" Bailee asked, watching as Hysa walked over to Zac, who's head dangled freely forward.

"Well," Hysa said, "Its strange. In my tribe, the feline tribe, the princess or prince gets to choose who the marry."

Bailee stared at her as she gently rubbed her claw against Zac's head, "So?"

"Well thats different in their tribe. the serpent tribe. Their parents choose their mates for them. So it seems to me that Zac here, isn't really in love with his fiance."

"Ok?" Bailee said, not really understanding.

Hysa smirked, putting a little pressure on Zac's forehead, "Now what if this handsome serpent prince fell in love with a human?"

"What human?" Bailee asked, feeling like an idiot.

"Oh I don't know, maybe a pretty little girl named Bailee."

"It wouldn't matter, I'm in love with Peter Pan."

Bailee had to jerk her head to the side to miss the dagger that was sent towards it. She let out a small whimper as it grazed her skin and stuck into the tree.

Hysa's cat pupils thinned, her ears perked up and her fangs showed.

She let out a light hiss, "Peter Pan?"

Bailee stared, to scared to answer.

"Peter Pan lives in Never Land? North from here?" Hysa aked.

Bailee didn't answer. The last thing she wanted was to get Peter hurt. Even after what he had done to her. After hurting her, and banishing her...

"Yes." Bailee said.

Hysa's eyes moved quickly around, "I'm taking you back to my tribe human. You and the prince, and we will discuss this some  more."

Shit. Bailee thought, wrong move.

~*AHhh!!! Yay another chapter!! Its about damn time right!? I hope you guys like it!! I'll try to post on my other stories soon. ENJOY!!!:D*~

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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