Chapter 20- The Beginning of the End.

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** Ok first I want to start off by saying.............. YA CHAPTER 20!! Amazing right!? Anyway, I love your guys's comments! They make me laugh and want to write another chapter immediatly! So keep up the good work, lol! TTYL.***

Captain hook sat at his desk on the upper deck of the ship, watching Bailee mop the floor as pirates continua sly walked back and fourth with there muddy shoes. 

"Here you go, sir!" Smee said, handing Hook a piece of paper.

Hook took it from his hand and glanced over it, a nasty smirk on his face.

"Go and get the girl, Smee." Hook said, laying the paper on his desk.

Smee nodded and ran down the stairs. But with him being so clumsy, he tripped and ended up falling. 

He stopped when he hit the bucket of dirty water Bailee was using to mop the deck up with.

"SMEE!" She yelled, hitting him with the mop, "Look what you did! Now I haft to do it all over again!"

Smee held his hands over his head to try and shield himself from the mop, but it didn't do much work.

"Ba-Bailee." Smee said. But when Bailee continued to hit him over the head with the mop out of frustration, he said her name again, but this time it sounded like, "BAILEE!"

Bailee immediatly stopped and straightened up, and so did Smee.

Captain Hook stood and the top of the deck, staring at them with an amused smile, "Bailee, may I have a word?"

Glaring at Smee, Bailee made her way to the top of the deck where Hook stood, facing the ocean.

With a blank face, Baliee said through gritted teeth, "Yes, Captain Hook?"

Hook smiled at Bailee, Peter Pan's love calling him Captain Hook, and actually meaning it. Just knowing that Bailee was apart of his crew, that he actually won over Peter made him feel so ecstatic that he wouldn't mind having dinner with the Alligator.

"I need a word, if you don't mind." Hook said, sitting down at his desk, an evil smirk tight on his lips.

Sighing, Bailee sat down at the most uncomfortable chair she had ever sat on, "What about?"

"You becoming a full member of my crew." Hook said, tugging on the end of his cirly mustache. 

Bailee chuckled, "I don't want to become a full member of your crew."

"But you have  to, it is part of this contract your about to sign." Hook said, pushing a piece of paper with a million little words on it.

Bailee looked at the contract before staring at Hook again, "No. I don't want to be a full member of you group."

"Oh but you haft to." Hook said, pulling out his pistol and pointing it at Bailee.

Bailee ignored the the emotion fear and replaced it with humor, "Who are you trying to fool, Hook? Me and you both know that your not going to sh-" There was a loud, Earth shaking sound that made Bailee jump and yelp, using her arms as a shield.

She looked up around for anything that could of made the ear splitting noise, and found Hooks arm outstretched up at the sky, the pistol smoking.

"What wont I do, child?" Hook smirked, lowing the pistol and pointing it at Bailee, cocking it back.

Bailee stared at him with wide fear infested eyes.

What had she done? She was going to haft to be a pirate all her life? No, forever?

Just the thought made tears form in Bailee's eyes.

"I-I can't." She stuttered, her breathing quickened as she started to have a little panic attack.

"Hurry, child. My finger might slip." Hook said, chuckling and smirking a wide, ugly smirk.

Tears slid down Bailee's cheek, and a thought came to the back of her mind, 'Peter well come and save you, he always does.'

Bailee nodded, agreeing with herself, "Ok, I'll sign."

Hooks smirk flattened just the tinest bit, "A change of mind so suddenly."

Bailee smirked, "I don't know what your talking about."

She grabbed the pen and signed her name so big and loopy that you could barely make out any letters.

Hook laughed and evil, loud laugh that made birds in the forest screech and fly off into the sky, "Welcome to the crew, Bailee." Hook stuck out his hand.

Bailee gripped it confidently, "I'm pleased, Hook."

"Captain Hook, Bailee." Hook said, letting go of her hand.

"Oh, sorry. I'm please, Captain Hook." Bailee then turned but stopped when Hook called her name.

"Where do you think your going?" Hook said in a teasing tone.

"To finish moping the floor." Bailee said in a duh voice.

"Not when were about to set sail." Hook said, standing up and making his way to his Captains Quarters.

Bailee turned around, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, were sitting sail. Were leaving port. Going someplace new, traveling." Hook said, opening the door.

It was like the world came crashing down on her. Her plan, that wasn't well thought threw, is ruined.

"Wh-what we can't leave! We haft to find Peter!" Bailee said.

Hook smirked, "Did you think we were going to stay here and let Peter Pan find you?"

Bailee stopped breathing.

Maybe her plan was a little obvious. How was she going to escape?

She was scared, and angered because she couldn't think right because of the panic running threw her.

She jumped when the door to Hooks dorm slammed shut, followed by his loud, evil laugh. 

**Hey guys! I know that I have a note at the top but this one is SUPER important! This story, sadly, is just about over. I know, sad right? I say about 4 or 5 more chapters. And if you want a spoiler, then it well be at the top of my next chapter. Just a little heads up if you don't or do want to read it. !!**

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