Chapter 23- The Big, Fat, Ugly Mistake.

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Bailee walked alongside Zac, taking in every thing he was telling her about his people.

"There are many kind of my people," He says, "Like there are of you. There are Pythons, Gardens, Ring..." "Andacanda's?" Bailee asked, watching the ground.
"There are Andaconda's," Zac said, nodding, "But they are knights or guards for the king and queen."
"There are kinds and queens?" She asked, amazed.

"Yes. The King, or my father, Is a-" "What!?" Bailee yelled, stopping.

"What?" Zac asked, jumping by her outburst.

"Your dads a king? Doesn't that make you a.. A prince or something?!" She asked, shocked.

"Well ya, sorta.." He said, shrugging. 

"So your the prince of some... Some kind of snake people?" Bailee asked, still in shock by all of this.

"Yes, I am. But we need to start walking if you want to get there before nightfall." He said, turning around and walking.
Bailee started to walk a few feet behind him, thinking this all over.

Python's and Anaconda's.. Pythons are the biggest snakes in the world, while the Anaconda is the strongest..

Bailee looked up at the back of Zac's head. The light was coming threw the tree's and hitting Zac's back. 
His scales were shining and bright, almost neon looking.

And his hair.. It looked so soft. But it was so.... Weird. Him having hair and scales, gym shorts that are probably made out of some unknown plant. Plus the fact that was a Prince! A Snake Prince.

Bailee smiled, all this is so bizarre. 2 years ago, she would be sitting in her room, probably getting annoyed by her brother or hanging out with her boyfriend- "Peter."

"What?" Zac asked, looking over his shoulder, "Why have you stopped?"

Bailee was looking around the woods, almost like she was waiting for someone, "Peter."
"Who are you talking about?" Zac asked, walking over to her.
Bailee turned her head, staring into Zacs eyes.
His eyes are soft, kind, pretty... "You have really pretty eyes..." Bailee said without thinking.

Zac looked shocked for a second, tookin so off guard by what Bailee had said..
"You have pretty eyes too.." Zac said, taking in all her features on her face.

"Well.. Your beautiful." Bailee said, taking a step closer to Zac.

Zac stepped closer too. Now they were close to eachother, but not touching.

"Your wonderful." Zac said, leaning down because he was about a head taller than Bailee.

Bailee closed her eyes, and allowed Zac to kiss her.

His lips were smooth and cold, but worked perfectly against hers. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him, the other hand was in her hair.

She ran her fingers up and down his cold back, loving the feeling of his scales...


And just like that, Zac had let go of Bailee and pushed her behind him.

"Who'sss there?" Zac asked in that hissy voice of his.

Bailee stood in shock at what had just happened.

She had kissed him! What was she thinking?!

'Peter.' She thought, burying her head in her hands, 'I miss Peter...'

"Calm down, Snake." Said a femanine voice from up above.

Bailee and Zac's head both shot up into the tree's that were blocking the sun light to see a sight that horrified Bailee.

It was a cat.. person. As tall as an average grown women, she sat on a thick branch, her back leaning against the tree and one leg outstretched the other dangling over the side.

Her whole body was covered in orange fur, her face had sharp triangles of white as she licked her paws.

"What do you want, cat?" Zac asked, hatred dripping from his words.

"I just want to play around with your play mate." The cat smirked, dropping down from the tree and landing perfectly on all fours.

Her yellow cat eyes narrowed at Bailee as her tail swung back and fourth behind her.

"Give me the girl, Zac." The girl said, holding out her hand paw.

"No!" Zac yelled, backing up so that Bailee was touching his back.
Bailee stood there, fear and shock made it nearly impossible for her to take in what was going on.

"Go Bailee! Run!" Zac yelled, pushing Bailee as the cat women had jumped.

Bailee stumbled into the forest. She didn't get far though, because she tripped over a branch, hit her head and was now laying on the cold, forest floor unconscious. 

I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good, guys! I wrote it quickly to try and get it out.. Sorry if it gets confusing too lol. If you have any questions then feel free to ask! Hope you like!

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