Chapter 15-The Perv, The Traitor and the Victim.

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I slowly began to wake up, debating on weather or not to go back to sleep.

I moved my arms around the bed, searching for Bailee, but when I felt she wasnt there, I jumped up.

"Bailee?" I called out. When she didnt answer, I flew into the living room. 

I felt my ears go read with anger at the sight.

Bailee was laughing next to James while the Lost Boys were no where in sight.

"Oh! Peter!" Bailee said, jumping up. She ran over to me and ingulfed me in a hug, "James was just telling about when he first met the Mermaids. Funny crap!" She said, laughing a little.

I glared at James, "Really?" I said.

James smirked at me, "Ya. They sure are jealouse little suckers."

I scoffed, "Dont talk bad about the Mermaids!" I yelled.

Bailee looked up at me in confusion, "Why? There no good.. All there good at is kidnapping people." 

I stared at her, not sure of what to say. Untill James said, "I agree.. What kind of boyfriend puts kidnappers first?"

I glared at him, "A better boyfriend then you!"

"Peter!" I Bailee said, moving to stand in front of me. I looked down at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Whats gotten into you?" She asked me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged, "Your being really mean to James for no reason."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "Because!" I said, unsure of anything else to say.

She shook her head in disbelief and went over to stand by James, "Why dont you go up and get the some fresh air." She said, before turning her attension fully to.. IT.

I pulled my eyebrows together, before taking her advice and flying out of the hide out.

I landed on the ground and kicked the dirt.

"Who does he think he is!" I yelled out, paseing back and fourth.

How could she pick him over me!? Whats so great about him? What does he have that I dont?

I huffed when I realized that I she didnt really pick him over me.. But for this situation she did.

I groaned and kicked up into the air. I needed rl advice, and the only way I was going to get it was either going to see Wendy, or the Mermaids.

"Wendy..." I thought, and looked up at the sky.

"Mermaids..." I said, and looked down at the Lagoon.

If I go to Wendy, itll be awhile before I would get back. But, the Mermaids are right there...

I started to float over to the Lagoon before I stopped, "No.. Bailee well be mad at me." I said, before turning around.

I stopped again, and looked over my shoulder.

This would be payback for her choosing James over me!

I turned around and flew over to the Lagoon. I pulled out my flute thingy and played a few notes.

The Mermaids snapped there heads to me, before turning them with there nose stuck up.

"Whats wrong girls?" I asked, sitting down on the biggest rock.

"You yelled at us for that no good girl Bailee." One of them said.

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