Chapter 4- Mermaid Lagoon.

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We took one more look around before we started to fly.
"Were are we going Peter?" I asked.
"Well.. Were do you want to go?" Peter asked.
"Well... If my grandmas stories were right. Then, I want to visit the.... Mermaid Lagoon!!" I said, 
Peter smiled, "Right this way then."
We were at Mermaid Logoon, oh and half way there Tink went to were the leave.
Peter sat me down on a couple rocks, "Stay here." He said.
I nodded, and looked over at the big rocks in the middle of the Lagoon. There were Mermaids, fishing there hair and putting things in them like Starfish and Shells.
They were Beautiful! All of them kinda looked the same, but all had diffrent hair colors.
There were 3 on the big rocks, and one by a mini waterfall, sitting ona rock right behind it.
Peter flew in and sat on the highest rock.
"Hey girls." He called. And all of them perked up.
"Hey Peter!" "Hi Peter!" "PETER!" "Oh Peter did you miss me?" "Peter why the long wait?!" "Ya didnt you miss me?" 
All of them said, I stared wide eyed at them.
They started to talk all at once again and I got bord, so, I decided to walk over. But, Peter decided to put me on rocks away from were the Mermaids were.
I looked around.. Ah Ha! There were rocks leading to were they were.
I started to jump from rock to rock. I lost my balance on one and was trying to get it back, rocking back and forth.
"PETER!" I yelled, hoping he would come help me.
"Who's the new girl, Peter?" One of them asked.
"Peter help im fall-" I couldnt finish my sentence, because I fell in the water.
I swam to the top, and tried to left myself back up and out of the water. 
I heard another splash, and then someone pulling on my ankle.
"What the" And then I was pulled under water.
I pushed and pulled and tried to make the person let go of my ankle and stop pulling me under, but dang they were strong.
I looked down, and it was the brown haired Mermaid, and she had a mean look on her face.
I was losing my air supply, and getting a little dizzy.
I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, and then I was being lefted up.
I broke the surface, and started coughing and gagging.
"Bailee! Bailee are you ok?" I heard Peter ask, he laid me down on a grass surface, and I propped myself up with one elbow, breathing hard.
"Dont.. Dont let them get near me." I said. Trying to get the water out of my ears.
"Bailee Im sorry! I didnt mean for them to do that I had no Idea." Peter started, but I cut him off by lifting my hand up.
"Do not. I repeat: DO NOT, bring me near them, or them, near me." I said.
Peter nodded his head, "I give my word." 
I rolled my eyes.
"What next?" I asked, standing up.
Peter looked at me like I was crazy. "You almost died, and your clothes are all wet, AND its cold. Why dont we go to our hide out and get some rest. Then tomorow I'll show you the Indians, and then we can look for the Lost Boys." Peter said.
"Alrighty.. But I cant fly. I need more Pixie dust but Tink went back to, well, your hide out."
"No problem." Peter said, picking me up and flying away.
"You know. I always you to be.. I dont know.. Kind of wild and just doesnt care." I said.
Peter shrugged, "Well after Wendy and Jane, I guess I kind of learned some manners.. And Jane taught me a whole lot of stuff too." 
"Thats good." I said, before falling asleep.
What? Near death experiances are tiring ;)

Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans Lover.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن