All I have left part 2 Steve Rogers x baby daughter reader

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Many have been asking for it so here it is... part 2 after over a year because i have a problem. Anywho hope you enjoy.. there may be more to this idk yet.

Steve's P.O.V.
I heard Natasha and the others before I saw them. Nat was the first, shouting my name and searching all the rooms before she found me in the doorway of the nursery closet, cradling (Y/n) close to my chest. When Natasha caught sight of me, she lowered her gun and breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards me.
"Steve... I'm so sorry" She whispered I didn't reply, gazing down at (Y/n), who was wide awake and snuggled into my chest, cooing softly as if nothing had happened. She grasped my thumb and began to suck on it as Wanda and Sam entered the room.
"Steve, you okay?" Sam asked I nodded trying to remain calm as they approached, I was still in shock over the fact that Coral was gone and now I had to raise (Y/n) without her mother. Sam frowned, kneeling beside me
"You sure?" He asked and then I couldn't take it and a strangled sound left my throat as I began to sob, tears streaming down my face. Sam gripped my arm, giving me moral support as Natasha grabbed a bag and began packing (Y/n)'s things.
"I-I don't know what happened... One minute I was blocking him off from Coral then I hit the wall and everything went black... I don't even know how he found us" I said bouncing (Y/n), trying to pacify her as she began to fuss. Wanda gently took her from my arms and I let her, my eyes never leaving (Y/n). Wanda soothed her with her powers, whispering something to her in her native tongue. Sam managed to calm me down, talking me through my grief as I cried, my Coral, my beautiful Coral was gone and (Y/n) would never know her Mom. I took deep breaths, as Natasha reentered the room,
"I got your bags packed, what else do you need?" She asked
"(Y/n)'s milk, it's in the freezer, there's some in the fridge too" I told her. Coral had put all her unused breast milk into bottles and froze them while (Y/n) had been in the hospital because she hadn't been able to feed (Y/n) so we'd saved them for when she came home (my aunt actually did this when my cousin was born prematurely). Thank goodness for that or we'd really be struggling to feed her formula. I stood up taking (Y/n) back from Wanda and followed Natasha into the kitchen, looking away from the blood stained living room wall.
I made sure Nat had everything and that she had (Y/n)'s favorite blanket and toys before I pulled on a sweatshirt and set (Y/n) into her carseat before we were ready to go. There were SHIELD and cop cars everywhere in the house and outside, Tony and Rhodey were talking to them but I walked past, into the SUV Natasha had pulled up. I got in the back setting the carseat in the middle between Wanda and I. Sam put the portable crib in the back with the rest of our stuff and hopped into the passenger seat and we were off, back to Avengers Hq.
I stayed quiet the whole ride home, giving (Y/n) all my attention. When we reached Hq, I got out and grabbed (Y/n) before heading to my old room, Sam and Natasha following with our stuff. Once in my room, Sam helped me set up the portable crib and then he left along with Natasha, who took the milk downstairs to the kitchen so I wouldn't have to. I picked (Y/n) up and began to bounce her gently, walking around the room because I didn't have a rocking chair. She fussed for a while until she exhausted herself and fell asleep.
I kissed her forehead softly before I lay her down in the crib, smoothing back her hair and covering her small body with a blanket. I took off my sweatshirt, changing out of my pj's from earlier. Sighing, I grabbed a pillow and some blankets off the bed and made myself a makeshift bed next to her crib. I lay on the soft carpet, pulling up the blankets over my body as I watched (Y/n) sleep, her breaths uneven but constant, her little chest moving up and down gave me comfort, I worried about her sleeping because she struggled with breathing at night.
"I'll always be there for you sunshine, and I won't let anything happen to you okay? You're my baby girl and I won't let anything hurt you or get to you like your mom. I promise you (Y/n), I promise..." I choke on my tears and press my face into my pillow, letting all my emotions go and I cried myself to sleep.
Coral's funeral went by in a blur. I spent most of it crying and caring for (Y/n). Natasha, Wanda and Pepper were a big help with (Y/n) and steering people away or talking about something else. I refused to stay in the cemetery to watch them lower her body into the ground so not many people stayed to watch. During the reception, they played a running video of pictures of Coral and I tried not to watch, concentrating on feeding and keeping (Y/n) clean. Tony insisted on paying for the whole thing, refusing to let me or anyone else help pay. I was grateful for it, all the Avengers had been close with Coral and were helping with everything during after Coral's death.
Once it was over and we were back at Hq, I changed my clothes and put (Y/n) down for a nap before going doing to the kitchen and got myself some coffee before sitting down and numbly staring at the wall. The whole thing, Coral's death, her funeral, everything was so surreal. I sighed looking up as footsteps approached. Everyone except Vision, Wanda, Rhodey and Clint, who was getting his family situated at a hotel close by, entered the kitchen.
"So, Steve when are we going after the guy that... well, you know" Tony asked grabbing a bag a blueberries from their hiding place.
"I'm not going after him" I said the room was silent as everyone stared at me like I'd grown two heads.
"What?" Tony asked
"I'm not going after him, I have to think of (Y/n). I could go after him and never come back. She's all I have left and I want her to be safe. I was thinking of moving out and laying low, raising (Y/n) without all the superhero business in the way. She doesn't have the best set immune system and I know she could never be what I am or at least an agent and I don't want her to have that life, I want her to choose and not be forced into anything" I explained
"Steve, are you sure about this? Hanging up your shield and leaving for good?" Natasha asked.
"Yes, it's what's best for (Y/n) and I can't lose her like I lost Coral" I say
"I will miss you Steven" Thor spoke up from the corner of the kitchen where he'd been devouring a box of poptarts.
"You guys can visit and we can skype, once I figure out how to use it" I say
"Whatever plan is man, I'm behind you 100%" Sam said
"Alright, if you're doing this You're going to need a house" Tony said taking out his phone.
"What are you doing?" Natasha asked
"I know a guy who'll get you a sweet deal on a house" Tony replied
"Of course you do" She said rolling her eyes.
It turns out, Tony did know a great guy. He got me a decent sized house with a picket fence and plenty of yard, front and back. The hospital was a block away and there was a park just down the street. It was a quiet part of the city, but busy enough that someone wouldn't go looking for an ex-superhero and his daughter. There was a school less than a mile away and Tony insisted on paying for a education when she was old enough, along with the house and any medical expenses.
"It's the least I can do with all that's happened, besides, no one will get to spoil her so this is my gift" Tony told me
"Thanks Tony, you didn't have to do that" I said but he just waved me away like it was a mundane thing that didn't matter.
After I'd painted all the rooms and everything had been moved in, I said goodbye to everyone, promising to keep in touch. I finally felt like we'd be safe here just the two of us. That night I held (Y/n) in my arms as i rocked her to sleep.
"You'll be safe from now on princess... Daddy promises you that" I whispered to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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