Steve x Reader You belong with Me Au thing

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Okay, I thought of this and I HAD to do it. Steve is with Sharon Carter and the reader is asking why he's with her (Like in you belong with me). Anyway, I sort of made Sharon Carter a bit of a witch, tbh and out of character, I apologize in advance, it's merely for the plot. I hope you guys like it, I have a College Au request that I'm stuck on right now, so this can keep you guys entertained in the mean time. I DO NOT OWN You belong with me by Taylor Swift or any MCU characters. If you don't like Taylor Swift or this song, don't read it.

Your P.O.V.
You listened silently as Steve argued with Sharon, his current girlfriend on his cellphone, He'd made a joke about something when she was at the tower earlier, which made her upset. You were in your bedroom on a boring Tuesday after a dinner of tacos with the Avengers. Your music played from your laptop, the kind that She would always sneer at your for listening to whenever she was around the tower. You opened your door as the talking stopped, Steve walking out his bedroom dejectedly,
"hey, you okay?" You ask, leaning against the doorframe
"yeah, I'm okay, it's just Sharon being dramatic" He replied, waving you off.
You sighed, shutting your door and returning to your bed. Why couldn't he see that she wasn't right for him? Of course, she was everything he'd ever need, she could protect herself, and agent for the C.I.A., and you were just Tony's bothersome little sister. She always dressed up and wore kind of revealing clothes, especially after they started dating, while you always wore t-shirts and jeans, and didn't really help that you had to wear nerdy glasses because of your poor eyesight. You'd fall asleep again dreaming about the day he'd actually look at you and realize what he really needed was right in front of him the whole time, you'd been there the whole time BEFORE her, why couldn't he see he belonged with you?
It'd been a couple weeks since the phone incident and You'd walked to the park to be alone and read when Steve had appeared, saying he'd needed to take a walk and clear his head, what with him and Sam looking for Bucky, it was stressful and time consuming.
He sat next to you on the bench, his worn out jeans and tight t-shirt made it difficult for you to breath. But as you sat there together, you relaxed and you found it got easier for you to talk to him. You couldn't help thinking this was how it should be, laughing on a park bench together, Steve's smile lighting up the whole world around you, you hadn't seen it since Sharon had put him down about something or other a couple days ago. Steve had claimed he was fine, but you knew better, what was he doing with a girl like Sharon? You'd been standing at his door waiting this whole time, how could he not know? Of course, she had taken to wearing high heels to reach him and look taller, while you always wore your old pair of comfy sneakers, significantly shorter than him.
Suddenly, Sharon pulled up in her car as you were talking and Steve got up, waving goodbye to you and got in, Sharon immediately grabbing his face and kissing him hard on the lips and then pushing his face away, giving you a haughty, dirty look as if to say 'ha! take that!' Then she took off, leaving you alone again.
You could remember him coming into your room in the middle of the night, looking for comfort from his nightmares, You made him laugh when he was about to break down and cry, You knew his favorite songs and he told you about his dreams, You knew where he belonged, with you.
Several days later, Tony was throwing a party and Steve stopped by your room on his way down, all dressed up in his black suit and bowtie.
"Hey (y/n), aren't you coming to the party?" He asked
"No, I've got to study for my college finals" You say quietly avoiding his gaze.
"Oh, well, okay... I wish you were... " Steve said quietly before leaving and You sigh, going back to your study materials on your bed. As You try to study, you can't concentrate, the sound of music and partygoers downstairs and what Steve said eating at your brain. Finally, you can't take it anymore and stand up, heading to your bathroom. You put in a pair of contacts you never really wear, along with makeup, your party dress and matching shoes. You fix your hair into an easy hairdo you found on pinterest. You take the elevator down to the party, quietly slipping into the crowd. You take a non-alcoholic drink, deciding to stay sober. As you walked through the crowds of people who you didn't know, You spotted Steve in the crowd, standing there with Sharon. You walk towards him and Steve catches sight of you, and turns to face you fully, ignoring Sharon as she tries to catch his attention. Steve approaches you slowly.
"Wow, you look... amazing" Steve breathes looking you up and down, finally settling in your face. You blush and look down, avoiding his gaze.
"Thank you Steve" You say smoothing the front of your dress.
"I'm so glad you decided to come" He said, taking a step closer towards you "(y/n), I-I like you, I have for a long time, and I realized the other day that Sharon isn't the one for me, You are" He confessed.
"Steve... I like you too... Since the day I met you" You admit
"Steve!" Sharon shrieks grabbing his arm and trying to pull you away from you.
"No, Sharon we're through" Steve said and her jaw dropped and She huffed before turning on her heel and stomping off. Steve ignored her and pulled you close,
"I've been waiting to do this for a long time" Steve said and he pulled your face towards his, his lips were on yours and nothing else mattered. You were caught up in the moment when you heard a familiar shriek of your over-protective big brother.
"CAPSICLE! Get your mouth of my sister's! (Y/N)! Stop kissing him!" He yelled and you pulled apart, sharing a look with Steve before bursting into a fits of laughter. You were finally with Steve, and everything finally felt right.

Soooo.. what did you guys think? Yes, no.... maybe so???? Meh, I wrote off a whim during study hall, just to see what you'd guys think...

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