WW 2 Bucky x reader I'll never smile again

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A/N Hey! This is my first Bucky fanfic, so I apologize if it isn't the best. Requests are open, so feel free to ask, there are two songs in this one neither of which I own. The first is a part from Deliver us from the Prince of Egypt and the other one is sung by Jo Stafford, neither are the full songs. (y/bff/n) stand for your best friends name. (y/s/n) stands for your sons name. I hope you like it!!!
Your P.O.V.
You and Bucky had met at a dance hall in downtown Brooklyn, New York. You had just graduated from high school and decided to celebrate your graduation with your best friend (y/bff/n), who had dressed you up and dragged you there. You'd been sitting quietly in a corner, when a handsome young man approached you and asked for a dance. You shyly accepted, and he pulled you out into the middle of the dance floor and you two had danced the night away. At the end of the night, he walked you home, slipping his number in your pocket and a quick kiss on your cheek before he ran off. Later, he introduced you to his best friend and roommate, Steve Rogers. A scrawny young man who had a heart of gold and would stand up for and to anyone, You'd helped Bucky patch him up more than once. You and Bucky fell in love and he proposed to you on New Year's Eve in Times Square. Five months later, you were happily married and about a year later gave Bucky a son. Bucky loved (y/s/n) and was devastated when he was drafted into the army. He promised you and (y/s/n) that he would come back, no matter what, and kissed you tenderly on the lips before he got on the train.
You'd yearned for him night and day and sent him letters daily. Your worry increased when all the letters you'd sent to him had all been returned to you in one big pile, unopened. It happened less than a week later, there was a knock on your apartment door. A stoic man handed you a telegram "My condolences ma'am" He said before leaving. I quickly opened the telegram, my heart anxious. My eyes skimmed the lines. "We regret to inform you that Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th has been reported missing in action." You felt your knees go weak and you drop to floor, falling forward as you cried for your husband. Your best friend found you in that same position when she got home from work. You and her were sharing the rent since you both had low paying jobs and couldn't afford your own apartments. (y/bff/n) helped you off the floor and sat you down, taking off her coat, She started hot water for tea. "what happened (y/n)?" (y/bff/n) asked, sitting down next to you. "Bucky... " You whispered handing her the telegram. (y/bff/n) gasped as she read the letter. "oh honey, I'm so sorry" She said taking your hand in hers squeezing it gently. You took a deep breath, slowly folding the telegram and tucking it away in your pocket. "what are you gonna do now?" (y/bff/n) asked "I don't know, but right now, let's focus on the present" You said looking down sadly at your wedding ring.
It wasn't very fancy, just a gold band with three small diamonds on it, but you loved it because it was from Bucky and he had picked it out for you. Now, your three month old son was the only living reminder you had left of Bucky. As if on cue, a baby's cry sounded from the back bedroom. You got up and rushed to your son's crib. You lifted (y/s/n) from the crib, rocking him back and forth, cooing and whispering sweet words in his ear. "Shh... I'm here now peanut, it's alright, mommy's here, no one's gonna hurt you, I'll protect you" You reassure him, kissing his head as he curls into your embrace. You softly begin to sing a lullaby to calm him. "Hush now my baby, be still love, don't cry, sleep as you're rocked by the stream, Sleep and remember, my last lullaby, so I'll be with you when you dream." As you finish the lullaby, (y/s/n) head falls to the side as he falls back to sleep. You set him gently back down in the crib. "sweet dreams my angel" You whisper letting your fingers linger on his head as you smoothed his hair back, smiling softly as he coos in his sleep. "We'll be okay, and I'll always be there for you, I promise, you and me peanut, nothing will stop us" You say, smiling sadly.
7 and a half months later...
Life had become hard after Bucky had been declared missing in action. Your mother had died of a heart attack about two months later, and you couldn't bear to sell your childhood home after she had died, so you moved into your old house with (y/s/n), but you had fought tooth and nail against the realtors for the house. You needed money to support you and your son so you took a part-time job secretary during the day and at night you waitressed at the Stork club, sometimes singing to earn some extra cash. You hired a babysitter to watch (y/s/n), though you hated doing so, the bills needed to be paid and food put on the table. Not a day would go by without you thinking about Bucky, and a little part of you still hoped he would come back, but that hope began to dwindle as the days went by. When news rang out that the war had ended you rejoiced on the outside, but inside your heart was aching because you would probably never see your husband again.
About two weeks later, you left promptly at 5:30 to be at the Stork club in a half an hour. A lot of soldiers from overseas had returned and would be there that night, but you promised yourself to keep it together. It was unusually busy, but everyone was in good spirits, drinking, dancing and laughing. You kept a fake smile on your face, but inside your heart was breaking at the sight of happy couples. As you were serving some drinks, a voice called your your name over the crowd. "(y/n)? (y/n), is that you?" You turned to find Steve, decked out in his formal army uniform, pulling a beautiful woman along. "Steve? what on the earth happened to you?" You ask shocked at the change, and a dame on his arm as well. "I was injected with a serum that made me a super soldier" He told you. You didn't really understand what he meant by that so you nodded and smiled. "oh, and this is Peggy" Steve said a shy smile turning to the girl on his arm. "Peggy, this is (y/n), Bucky's wife" Steve said and you winced. "It was lovely meeting you and seeing you again Steve, but I must get back to work" You say quickly excusing yourself, you couldn't handle talking about Bucky, not tonight. You quickly duck into the back to get ready. You had to sing in a little while. You changed into a dark blue dress with a dropping neckline. You touched up your makeup and let your hair down then pulled your hair into a victory roll. You smiled at your handy-work. "C'mon (y/n), you're on in five" Your boss called. "show time" You say, getting up to take your place. You step onto the stage, your backup singers, taking their places slightly behind you. The band began the intro to 'I'll never smile again' and you began to sing.
"I'll never smile again, until I smile at you. I'll never laugh again, what good would it do?" You looked out into the crowd as you sang Steve was slow dancing with Peggy in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other couples doing the same. "I'll never love again. I'm so in love with you. I'll never thrill again, to somebody new" You continue to sing, but someone catches your eye. A young man in his formal army uniform was walking through the crowd of couples. He looks almost familiar and you watch him as you sing. "Within my heart, I know I'll never start to smile again, until I smile at you" You strain to see his face and almost gasp when he looks up at you. It was Bucky. Your Bucky. You restrained yourself from jumping off the stage into his arms and kissing him senseless right then. "Within my heart, I know I'll never start to smile again, until I smile at you" You finish the song, choking back tears as you tried to compose yourself. You glanced over at Steve, who was grinning widely at you. That little sneak knew the whole time. As soon as everyone was done clapping, you raced off the stage, right into Bucky's arms. You held onto to him tightly as you began to cry. "oh Bucky, I can't begin to tell you how much I missed you" You whisper breathlessly. You pepper his face with kisses, finally settling on his lips, crashing his against yours. When you both finally pulled away breathlessly, Bucky cupped your face tenderly, wiping away stray tears. "I missed you so, doll, not a day would go by without me thinking about you and even after I was captured, I knew I had to get out, to keep my promise to you and (y/s/n), I had to come back" He said pulling you tightly to him. "oh Buck..." You whisper kissing his cheek. "where's (y/s/n)?" He asked "he's at home, I had to hire a babysitter" You say "okay, let's go" Bucky says "My shift isn't over yet" You say "Sir?" Bucky calls to your boss, who turns to face you and Bucky "I'm sorry to inform you that my wife is quitting and will not be returning, you can mail her her last paycheck" Bucky told him before turning around and pulling you out of the club into the cool night. Once you arrived home, you paid the babysitter and bid her goodbye before leading Bucky down the hallway to (y/s/n)'s room. Quietly opening the door, you crept inside, Bucky close behind you. You leaned over the crib, reaching down and stroking (y/s/n) cheek. "he's gotten so big" Bucky says, reaching down to caress his hair. "he's gonna be in for a big surprise tomorrow" You say leaning into Bucky as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I'll never leave you or him again, I promise" Bucky says softly, kissing your cheek. You sigh in content, everything was gonna be alright, as long as Bucky was at your side, nothing would take him away from you.
A/N Soooo... what did you guys think? It's my first Bucky fanfic, so I hope wasn't too bad, requests are open, I have one request for my best friend that I have to finish. (I'm sorry! I'm working on it!)

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