Sam Wilson x Reader I love you baby

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A/N Hello! This is my first Marvel fanfic, so bear with me, it's kinda long. I hope you like it and don't hate me for spelling/grammar errors and I apologize ahead of time for them and any information ect. that I got wrong. Be prepared for feels and this is new for me, so please don't hate me if the characters seem a bit off kilter. Also, it might be a bit boring at the beginning, but don't worry, the plot thickens.

Warning: Major feels, a little bit of blood, fluff, enjoy!

Your P.O.V.
It all started out as a normal day, Darcy and I had decided to go the Smithsonian and see the new exhibit they had on science. While I wasn't big on science, Darcy begged me to go since Jane was too busy to go because she was spending all her time with Thor or Tony in his lab. Since Ian had broken up with Darcy a couple weeks ago, leaving Darcy devastated and with no one to entertain her and her very short attention span, I said I would go with her, Sam was busy training today anyway and there wasn't just science at the museum. So we went, taking Darcy's car she had bought once her, Jane and Dr.Selvig had arrived in New York. It was rather old, it usually took a couple times to start, the AC was broken, the heating was rather weak and to top it all off, the car was a faded neon orange with baby blue stripes, but it was a car and once it started running, it ran like a dream. Once we arrived at the museum, Darcy grabbed all the fliers and pamphlets she could get her hands on. "ooh, (y/n) look! They have a new exhibit next month on astronomy, We should bring Jane and Thor! Hey, I bet Steve and Bucky would want to go to the one about America through the Centuries in July..." I tuned out Darcy and looked around at the huge interior of the museum. Many different objects hung from the ceiling, including airplanes, banners about the exhibits and directions. I followed Darcy absentmindedly, not really paying attention until a large man bumped into me, pushing me back. "oh, excuse me" I said, but He just ignored me and kept walking. I frowned at his rudeness and turned back to Darcy, running to catch up with her.
Later... I climbed into the car exhausted, we'd been there most of the day, we went through almost the whole museum, Darcy pointing and running to and from each of the exhibits. I didn't complain because it helped get her mind off Ian and she wasn't being all mopey. As we got back onto the highway to get back to headquarters, I noticed in the mirror that a black car was following closely behind us. "Darcy, speed up" I told her "what? why?" She asked confused "just do it, I think someone is following us" I told her. "what? where?" She asked craning her neck "don't look back, just speed up a little and see if we can lose them" I instructed "okay..." Darcy replied, her voice uneasy. As Darcy sped up, they also sped up. I bit my lip, why would someone be following a college student who is interning for Jane Foster and the girlfriend of Sam Wilson? It didn't make sense we didn't have anything they would want. Darcy exited off the highway and they followed us off. Now I was worried. "I'm calling Sam" I said grabbing my phone and hitting speed-dial. The phone rang several times before he answered "hey baby, when are you gonna be back?" Sam asked "soon hopefully, but, Sammy... I think someone is following us" I said Sam's voice immediately went serious "how long have they been following you?, Where are you?" He asked "umm.. I'm pretty sure since we left the museum and we just got back into New York, but we're still pretty far from headquarters.." I answered my voice wavering "okay, just don't panic, I'm gonna get Steve and everybody and we'll find you guys by the tracker on your phone that Stark installed. Don't lead them back to headquarters, drive around the city. Don't worry (y/n), we'll be there soon and don't hang up!" He told me. I took a deep breath "okay, I'll see you soon" I said. I heard Steve's voice in the background "what's wrong?" "someone's following (y/n) and Darcy, round up Tony, Nat and Jane and we'll head out" Sam replied, determination in his voice.

Unknown P.O.V. (codename: Striker)

I watched the car in front of us carefully, they would lead us to the secret S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and from there we would find a way to sneak in. After we've been driving around New York, my cell phone began to ring "hello?" I said "are you there yet?" he asked "no, I think they're onto us. We've been driving around the same couple blocks for a while" I replied. He swore into the phone "sir?" I said "change of plans, since they seem to have figured out our plan, open fire on them, they can't know who we are and what we're doing" He said "yes, sir" I replied "get it done Striker, don't fail again" "yes sir" I replied, ending the call. I turned to the driver "Brutus, code 723, don''t resist" I told him. He grunted and pressed a button and a case of specialized guns slid out in front of me. I picked one up and cocked it. Opening the passenger window, I took a deep breath "here goes nothing" I muttered taking aim and.....

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