Steve Rogers x reader Dancing in the Kitchen

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A/N I hope you guys like this one. I chose two love songs I really like, they're oldies but goodies and I didn't write the whole songs, because that would be really long. So if you want to listen to them on youtube while you read, go ahead! I don't own any of the songs or marvel characters. Feel free to comment and share!

Warning: Lots of fluff!!!
Your P.O.V.
You sighed in content as walked into the kitchen. Dinner had just finished and as usual, teasing and laughter had filled the room as everyone ate. Now, dinner was over and everyone had parted ways and it was your turn to wash the dishes. You filled the sink with hot water and dish soap. Tossing silverware and some cups into the suds, you grabbed a washcloth and sponge, tossing it into the fray as well. You hummed softly to yourself as you began scrubbing the food residue off the dishes, carefully placing them once they were clean on a towel to dry. You became so engrossed in washing the dishes that you didn't hear your boyfriend of two years open the kitchen door, place a radio on the counter and creep up behind you. You jolted, yelping when you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist. Turning, you found your boyfriend grinning at you. "Steeevvve... don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack" You said hitting him playfully with your hand. "Sorry sweetheart, I thought you heard me come in" He said, kissing my cheek. "ok, you're forgiven" You say, pouting as Steve lets go of your waist. "come baaccckk... you're warm" You said turning around to find Steve leaning over the radio. "What are you doing?" You ask "We're are going to listen to music while I help you wash the dishes" He replied turning the volume dial once he found the right station. "aww... you don't have to do that" You said "I want to help you, besides, the sooner you finish, the sooner we can spend time together" He said, picking up the sponge and a plate. You gave in, grabbing the washcloth and a cup. After a little while, of you and Steve silently washing the dishes, the beginning of Yours and Steve's favorite song to dance to, 'If I can dream about you' by Dan Hartman came on the radio. You turned to Steve a grin on your face. Steve pulled you to him, not caring if the soap got on your clothes.
"No more timing, each tear that falls from my eyes. I'm not hiding, the remedy that cures this old heart of mine." You smiled as Steve along to the radio, "I can dream about you, if I can hold you tonight, I can dream about you, you know how to hold me just right" You laughed as Steve spun you around and dipped you. You gripped his arms as He pulled you back up and You kissed his cheek. "I can dream about you, I'm gonna press my lips against you and hold you to me. I can dream about you, you know you got me spellbound, what else could it be?" Steve sang along to the lyrics, pushing your body away, then pulling back to him quickly and spinning you without missing a beat. You could see those dancing lessons were doing him well. "I don't understand it, I can't keep my mind off loving you (not even for a minute) ooh, now baby, I'm caught up in the magic I see in you, There's one thing to do... " Steve was still singing along as he brought your body close to his and moved back and forth, in time with the music. "my, what a fine dancer you are" You said giggling as Steve rubbed his chin up against yours, his stubble tickling your cheek. "Thank you, I learned from the best" He said, kissing your nose, stubble brushing your nose. You shook your head in mock disapproval "you need to shave mister" You say, bopping his nose playfully. "What? You don't like my stubble? I don't know, I was thinking of growing it out" He said pretending to pull at an imaginary beard, trying to look as though he was deep in thought. You shook your head at his teasing antics, He usually wasn't like this, but it made you smile when He let go of his serious, leader personality and became playful and teasing boyfriend that you had come to know and love. Steve spun you around one last time as the song ended, embracing you as you stood on tiptoe to give his lips a quick peck.
You gasped in surprise as the notes to your couple song, 'Unchained Melody' by The Righteous Brothers came through the radio. Steve reached over and turned up the volume before turning to you. He pulled you to him, wrapping his right arm securely around your waist as You put your left arm around his neck, your free hands intertwining. "Whoa, my love my darling, I've hungered for your touch. A long, lonely time, and time does by so slowly" Steve whispered the lyrics in your, his voice low and husky. You closed your eyes, melting into Steve's embrace. "I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me." Steve dipped you low to the floor, and as he brought you back up, You tangled your fingers in his soft hair. "Lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me, I'll be comin' home, wait for me... Whoa, my love, my darling, I've hungered, hungered for your touch, a long, lonely time." Steve caressed your body, pulling your body as close to his as possible as You inhaled his scent, burying your nose in his plaid shirt. "And time can do so much, are you still mine? I need your love... " Steve's voice trailed off as he spun me around and dipped me one last time as the song ended. Once the song was over, You lay your head in the crook of Steve's neck, as he gently massaged your back. "I love you Steve" You said tilting you head to look up at him. "I love you too (y/n)" Steve replied looking down at you with love and passion in his eyes. You smiled and pulled his head down as You stood on tiptoe to reach him. You kissed him slowly, throwing all your love and passion for him into that kiss. Steve responded by doing the same, and You let him take control. You smiled, oh yes, life was good and You didn't think it could get any better than this.

A/N What did you guys think? I hoped you like it! Requests are open, so feel free to request!

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