All I have left pt .1 Steve x baby reader

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Okay, this is sort of based off of the beginning of Finding Nemo, so be warned: It's VERY sad! I know, I didn't get the next chapter to My remedy-My clarity, I'm sorry I got caught up in other things but hopefully it'll be up before Saturday. I thought I'd give you guys SOMETHING so here you go complete with feels and everything. I just created your mom and named her after Nemo's mom, she can look like your mom or whoever, it was easier than putting (y/m/n). Enjoy, i don't own anything!
Warning: death, violence, tears, and blood, a TON of feels!!!! You've been warned.

Steve's P.O.V.
I sighed looking out at the field beyond the back of our house. I put my hand around Coral, my wife of three years. The moon and stars shone bright in the sky as the country night air blew softly. I pulled Coral closer as we gazed out into the night.
"Wow" I whispered
"Mhm" Coral agreed smiling up at me
"What is it?" I asked giving her a look, I knew when something was up.
"You did good honey, you really did, the neighborhood is awesome, and I love it, but Steve do we really need this much space?" She asked
"What're talking about honey? These are our kids we're talking about they deserve the best. They'll open their eyes and look out the window and see a deer or some other type of wildlife, right by their bedroom window!" I said and Coral laughed putting a finger to her lips.
"Shh... you're going to wake her" She said
"Oh, right, right sorry" I whispered as Coral pulled me down the hall and we went into the nursery.
"Aww... look she's dreaming" Coral whispered tucking a lock of hair out of our daughter's face. I smiled pulling Coral close as we gazed down at our two month old baby girl, she had her mother's looks, a little bit of mine in there, but mostly her mother's. She'd been born prematurely and had to stay in an incubator for the first month and a half of her life because she had such weak lungs, which she had inherited from pre-serum me, as well as other health abnormalities the doctors said she'd have. I felt so guilty and upset about it, but Coral assured me that our daughter was a fighter and everything would be fine and to stop blaming myself. She was so small, even now after being out of the hospital for a month, and she still struggled with breathing but she was thriving at home.
"You think she'll be okay?" I asked
"I know she'll be better than okay with awesome parents and the toughest group of aunts and uncles ever" Coral said and I smiled as we left the room, shutting the door behind us. As We went back out onto the deck, I gave Coral a look, and she caught my eye she gave me a strange look.
"You remember how we met?" I ask
"Well, I try not to" Coral says as I approach her and she backs up
"Well I remember. Excuse me, could you please help me... it seems I've lost my way and I think there's some dirt on my face from my recent tussle with a Chitauri" I said as I chased her into our bedroom as Coral shrieked and laughed at my antics, trying to get away as I tried to steal a kiss.
"Ah! Steve.. Get away, stop" She cried racing back up to the back porch.
"You can run but you can't hide!" I call after her. I pause as I almost run into Coral in the living room.
"Why'd you stop?" I ask but then I see a man, big and menacing looking with razor sharp blades in his hands and on his armor standing at the threshold of the back deck and I gasp.
"Coral, get back. No, no, Coral don't... listen to me, she'll be fine you, right now" I say as I see her glance back towards the nursery, of all the inopportune times to not have my shield. Coral makes a quick move to run to the baby's room and the man, whom I assume is from Hydra, jolts forward.
"No! I yell blocking his path from getting to her. He hisses at me and I manage to hold him off for a bit, blocking punches and slices with his blades before Coral returns and He rushes forward, fats and agile as I cry out trying to stop him and he backhands me into the wall, and then there was nothing.
My eyes blinked slowly, and I groaned, it was dark, the only light was the moon shining through the curtains, a soft breeze from the open back door made me shiver. I slowly sat up, I found myself on our now broken couch. I quickly stood, remembering all that had happened.
"Coral?!" I yelled looking around at our trashed house, I frantically searched for her until I reached the dining room and I stopped short. "Coral?" I whispered as I slowly approached her and I gasped. There, curled up in a heap against the wall was my wife, two slashes through her heart, still bleeding out onto the floor, her bloodied hand marks on the wall. I knelt by her side, reaching for her body as I begin to cry. "Coral... coral no" I choke up as the tears come. I stroke her beautiful, soft hair kissing her forehead as I cry. I take off her wedding ring and the necklace from me that she never took off and pocketed them, I needed something from her to hold onto. The phone is lying on the floor, luckily not broken, I grab it, numb and still crying. I dial the number for Avengers Hq, everyone is probably still up, it'sFriday night.
"Hello?" I hear Natasha's voice on the other end and I can't speak,
"Nat... " I whisper, unable to get out what I need to say
"Steve? Is everything alright?" Natasha asks
"Help... Coral..." I choke up and I hold back a sob, which sounds strangled
"What's going on Steve? Steve?" Nat asks as my breathing becomes heavier
"Coral... help, gone please no... help" I repeat over and over again as I start going into a panic attack.
"Okay, okay Steve.. Calm down, we'll be right there" She says and there is a commotion on the other end when I hear a cry, I drop the phone as I hear Natasha calling my name, but I ignore it. I walk down the hall, following the cries until I reach the nursery, eyes glancing at the knocked over crib. I open the rather large closet and walk in, pulling back a wicker basket cover to find my daughter crying her lungs out, a blanket over her face, hidden in a toy chest, surrounded by pillows and blankets, toys tossed haphazardly around her. That's where Coral went, she was hiding our baby, giving her a chance at life. I reached in and pulled the blanket off and lifting her into my arms.
"There, there, Shh... it's okay sweetheart, daddy's here, daddy's got you" I whisper to her as her cries weaken, taking in deep breathes as she listens to my voice. I turn and slide down the wall, holding the only thing I had left close to my heart.
"I promise, I will never let anything happen to you... (Y/n)..."

I'm evil.... stay tuned for part 2!

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