Sam Wilson x reader I'll never let you go

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WARNING! There is domestic abuse/violence!!!!!!! If this is a trigger or a touchy subject for you, please read with caution!!! If this is happening to you, please please get help!!!! No one deserves to be treated that way. 

Your P.O.V.
It'd been two weeks since you'd called Sam Wilson, one of your best friends from high school, crying and pleading for help at a crappy motel, hiding from your abusive husband. Sam had immediately come to the motel and stayed there with you until morning lest your husband come for you. In the morning, after you knew your husband had left for work, you snuck into your own home and packed up all or at least most of what you wanted and left.
You stayed in a rented apartment, most of your things tucked away in storage until today, when you were finally moving into Sam's place. He'd told you about his two friends who also stayed there, and that there was no need to worry about being in trouble with Captain America, Falcon and the Winter Soldier living there. You'd found a waitressing job not far from Sam's house, ready and willing to start a new life away from your abusive husband.
You walked up the front steps of Sam's home carrying two boxes, Sam following close behind, reaching to unlock the door. You followed Sam through the hallway into the livingroom to find a tall fortress of stacked boxes in the middle of his living room.
"Really you guys?" Sam asked as a blond haired, tall muscular man with a cowboy hat perched on his head popped up from behind the boxes

"Hi, I'm Steve" he said with a wave of his hand, grinning impishly at you"You guys are so childish" Sam said "It's actually pretty fun" another man said popping up from behind the boxes, a furry indian headdress on his head, and you resisted the urge to laugh. "I never should've let you guys watch that old western movie marathon" Sam said with a sigh, setting the boxes down "ignore Mr.grumpy gills, I'm Bucky" the man with the indian headdress said, raising his hand like an indian would in greeting "but you can call me Chief if you'd like, I would have been Sheriff but I lost at rock-paper-scissors" He said sending a glare to Steve, who tipped his cowboy hat at you with a cheeky grin on his face."you two are ridiculous, c'mon out of there and start dinner while I help (y/n) get situated" Sam said "Chief no help, Chief stay here" Bucky said folding his arms and refusing to budge. "I'll let you wear the hats while you cook, just try not to set anything on fire" Sam said as Bucky grinned ducking through the entrance of the box fortress, Steve following in suit. "Are they always like this?" You ask following Sam around the box fortress down the hall to your new room. "Not always" Sam said, opening a door to your new bedroom, and you step into it. It's a fairly good size with a queen size bed, a sliding door led to a closet, and dresser. Your vanity was already there, Sam had brought it here earlier in the week. You set down your boxes and turn to Sam,"thank you Sam" You say hugging him close "no problem (y/n)" he said "the door leads to your bathroom, so you don't have to share with the rest of us" Sam said pointing You nod in appreciation, kneeling to open a box."I'll leave you to unpack and get situated, I need to go check on the cowboy and indian in my kitchen" he said leaving you to it. You sat back on your heels, looking at your new room, ready for change and a new life. You were excited at the prospect of living in someplace new, with two Super soldiers and Sam to protect and keep you on your toes, you'd be fine and never have to worry about your abusive husband again. But life rarely goes the way you plan, as you soon were to find out.

 2 months later... You sat in the doctor's stiff, uncomfortable chair as you waited for him to come back. You'd been throwing up and feeling sick the last week and Sam had insisted you go to the doctor. So, after your shift at the diner was over, you went to the clinic down the street. You looked up as the doctor entered, carrying a folder of papers with him. You immediately sat up straighter as he approached. "so, what's the prognosis?" You ask, looking up the doctor, who looked strangely happy"Ms. (l/n), I'm pleased to tell you that you are pregnant, your blood test came back positive, congratulations" He said handing you your test results. You sit there and stare at him in shock,"how-how far along am I?" You ask, barely able to form words "about two months, I take this is an unexpected pregnancy?" he asked "yes, very" you say rubbing your temples, you felt a headache coming on "but thank you doctor" You add standing up and shaking his hand before leaving.Once you got home, You didn't bother changing out of your work uniform and instead sat in the window seat at the end of the hall that looked out at the backyard, rubbing your tummy where your baby would be growing for the next seven months. You heard the slam of a car door and knew Sam was home from the VA, Steve and Bucky wouldn't be home until later from a mission. The door opened and closed and you heard Sam moving about the house until it stopped and the footsteps approached you. Before he could say anything, you said rather simply, "I went to the doctor today""I know" Sam said, still approaching you. "And I'm pregnant" You say pulling your knees to your chest "Oh... what are you going to do?" Sam asked sitting across from you in the window seat and You burst into tears, "I don't know Sam, I-I had everything figured out and now, I don't know... this wasn't supposed to happen, I should've been more careful and now the baby will be in danger of him an-and" You were sobbing as Sam pulled you close"alright, it's okay (y/n), we'll figure it out, everything's going to work out" Sam said helping you off the window seat and pulling towards your bedroom as you cried, he handed you a pair of pj's and pointed to the bathroom and you wordlessly took them and went to change out of your work clothes. When you came back out, Sam had pulled back the covers on your bed and You stood there lost, and still crying until Sam returned with a glass of water and a washrag. He set it down on the bedside table and helped you into bed, pulling the covers over your body "there you go (y/n), just relax, everything's going to be okay" Sam said placing the cool washra on your forehead, smoothing your hair back as you closed your eyes, tears still falling. "do you want to tell the guys or should I?" Sam asked "you can" You whisper pulling the covers up to your chin and closing your eyes tiredly. "Okay, I'll be making dinner if you need me, just rest okay?" he said and you nod before he leaves, shutting the door and turning off the light. You fall asleep not long after, too exhausted to worry about anything anymore. 12 months later... You cradled your five month old baby girl close as you rocked her to sleep, You adored her to no end, Sam said she looked exactly like you, and she already had Sam, Steve and Bucky wrapped around her little finger. After you got over your initial shock, you started to ease into the idea of having a baby, and of course Sam and the guys helped you out a lot, while you were pregnant and after. You had decided on (g/n) for her name, you'd always liked it and it suited your baby girl. You set her in her cradle, which you lined with pillows because she was learning to sit up and roll and you didn't want her to hit her head on the bars. Smoothing her hair back, and tucking the blankets around her little body, you kissed her cheek before leaving the room, going to the kitchen you made yourself a cup of tea to have before you would also go to bed. The guys had been  away on a mission all week, so you'd been alone with the baby all week and rather tired. As you sat at the table, sipping your tea, You heard the front door being opened and you stood frowning, you thought the guys weren't supposed to back until later. You walked cautiously down the hall and froze when you saw a man standing in the living room, and when he turned around you wanted to scream in fear."ah, (y/n) my dearest so this is where you've been hiding all this time" Your ex-husband said, his cruel face something you thought you'd never see again. "what are you doing here? How-how did you find me?" You ask swallowing the lump in your throat. "it took awhile, but that doesn't matter, all that matter is that I found you and you're coming back with me" He said as he began to walk slowly towards you."No! I'm not coming with you, not now, not ever and you can't make me!" You say backing up away from him. "yes, you are! I refuse to let you escape this time, and You'll be punished severely for leaving me" He said, backing you up into the kitchen and you anxiously search for something to defend yourself with when the he spotted the baby monitor on the table and the high chair in the corner. "so, you had my baby, good, I'll take it with us too, where is it? You wouldn't deny your child's father the right to see his kid would you?" he asked. In a state of panic, you grabbed your tea cup, still full with tea and smashed it over his head. He yelled in pain and rage and lunged for you, pushing you back into the kitchen sink so forcefully that your body launched over the sink and your arms went through the window above it. You screamed in pain as the glass, cut and dug into your skin. You were tugged back forcefully, your arms pulled back through the glass and you shriek in pain as you're grabbed by your hair. You look down at your arms, bleeding and glass embedded in your arms, trying to calm down and not cry in pain. "Where's the baby (y/n)? Tell me!" He yelled jerking your head back, You jerk away from his grip clenching your fists in rage,"No! I won't let you lay a finger on her!" You scream as he turns and rushes down the hall, beginning to search the house. You race past him and throw your body over your bedroom door, refusing to let him win and take your baby. He stalked over to you, grasping your wrist and twisting it, his face fierce and menacing."Get out of the way (y/n), NOW" He said you cringe in pain as he twists your arm in attempt to get past you, but you don't budge. "No! NO! I won't let you!" You scream as he shoves all his weight against the door, the door falling off it's hinges and swinging open, letting you both in. As he began to walk towards the crib, you scream and tackle him to the ground, refusing to let him touch your baby. As you both stand up, you still holding on to him, refusing to give up. As he tries to wrestle you off, he backs up into the crib and knocks it over, waking up (f/g/n), who began to cry, and you want to pick her up, comfort her, but you're pulled out of your thoughts when a solid fist, hits you right under your left eye, and you stumble back in pain, crying out as you reach to touch it, the pain in your arms and now your face, hurt but you refused to give up. You rush towards him, grabbing the closest thing, which was a baby book and threw it at him, you kept chucking items at him, baby toys, books, shoes and other items lying about, all the while screaming at him, as you refused to give up. He grabbed your desk chair and swung it low at you, knocking you off your feet and you moan in pain, struggling to get up. He begins to slowly walk towards you, holding the chair as a threat to hurt you. Suddenly he was on the ground and Sam, Steve and Bucky where standing over him, You exhale a sigh of relief and crawl towards (g/n), who was still crying. You pull the blankets off her face, which were muffling her cries, her face was red and tears were rolling down her cheeks. You pull her out of the pile of blankets and pillows she was surrounded by, thankful you'd put them into her crib. You cradle her in her arms, trying to avoid the glass and blood on your arms. "(y/n) ... you need medical attention " Sam said kneeling by you, his eyes full of worry, as he caught sight of your arms and the bruise forming on your below your eye. "(g/n) is alright, he didn't touch her and that's all that matters" You say stroking your daughter's cheek, as she began to calm down. Sam pulled out his cell phone and called the police and an ambulance. Once they arrived, they took your ex-husband into custody and the EMT's took care of your arms and face. Sam held (g/n) while you were being patched up, while Steve and Bucky took care of things with the police. "You okay?" Sam asked, (f/g/n) now asleep in his arms"yeah, thank you Sam... for everything" You say looking up at him shyly "it's not a problem (y/n), I'm happy to help " Sam said, but he avoided making eye contact, instead looking down at (g/n). "Sam... I-I never told you this, but ever since high school, I've liked you" You say "what?" Sam looked startled "really?" He asked"yeah, but You were always too pre-occupied with everything else to realize that, then we graduated and you left, and I thought I was in love and I got married, which turned out to be a mistake... the point is, I never really got over you" You say looking down at your lap"(y/n) ... I like you too... since the day in high school when you beat one of the jocks in an arm-wrestling match" Sam said and you stare at him in shock "You've liked me this whole time?! Sam, why didn't you tell me?" you ask incredulously "I was afraid you'd reject me and things would never be the same between us, I didn't want to lose you" Sam said "Oh Sam" You whispered reaching up to cup his face"I would never let you go" You say and then Sam leaned in and kissed you and nothing else mattered. That kiss felt so right, everything seemed to fall into place at that moment and You knew everything would be alright and you'd never have to worry again. 

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