Part 22

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The wedding day. KOL'S POV
Davina wakes up and kisses me on the lips.

"Wow u r the secound girl to do that today." I say

"Who is the first." Davina says smiling.Then Cami came cane out from the side of the bed.

"I am." Cami said getting in the bed hugging both of us as Davina kisses the top of her head.

"Are you ready." I ask as Davina looks up at me.

"Getting married or the honeymoon." Davina asked.

"Both." I say.

"I'm both excited and nervous." Davina said and kissed me. And then the door opened and Elijah walked in.

"There you two are Rebekah has been looking for you." Elijah said and Davina started to get up when I grabbed her hand.

"Wait were do you think you are going." I say and Davina pecks me on the lips.

"I'll see you at the alter." She says then leaves me along.


I walk in the room where me and Rebekah are getting ready Hayley was in there to go my hair and Rebekah was doing my makeup. After I am completely done with my makeup and hair Marcel walks in telling us that we have to go down in 30 minutes. I put on my dress and shoes.

"You ready?" Marcel asks as he taking my hand walking downstairs outside the door where the wedding is.

"Just don't let me fall." I say as Rebekah walks in the room. The room was decorated with red and pink roses and lights.  As soon as see Kol I forget about everything else. I walk down the isle and see him grinning. As we get to the alter Marcel grabs Kol by the arm.

"You hurt her in any way and I will find you and kill you in a slow and painful death." Marcel said quiet enough so if you weren't a vampire or standing right there.

"Marcel I can promise you that I will never hurt her and if I do I will kill myself." Kol said and I smile at that.

"Marcel can we please get married now?" I say and he walks away and sits down.

I grab Kol's hand and wait for Freya to start. Yes we asked her to be our priest.

"We all gather here to see the happy couple join in matrimony. Now I understand that Kol and Davina have written there own vows. Kol." Freya said.

"From the moment I meat you I knew you would change me but I would never think I would be a batter man or that I would fall madly in love with you but I proved myself wrong. Because I have been apart from you and I have been with you and I know I am happier and better with you in my life. I love you Davina Claire." Kol says witch makes me cry. As he places my wedding ring on my finger.

"WE have been through more crap then most people get in a life time. We have been through terrible first dates and family drama and even death. But we made through it because we have had moments full of joy and love. And that is how I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Kol Mikealson." I say as  I tear up a bit and put his wedding ring on his finger.

"With that I happily pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." Freya said and Kol kissed me like we never kissed before. Klaus and Rebekah are the first ones to leave followed by me and Kol hand in hand. Then everyone else follows us to the reception which is in the compound (the place that as soon as you walk in.)

Me and Kol have our fist dance we dance to a thousand years we thought it had a good smile to it. After that we dance for another hour. I had to dance with Klaus as he was the best man for a song. I danced with for most of them and danced with Marcel, Josh, Cami and Kol at the same time. Then we ae food and had toasts. Rebekah went first.

"I have known Kol for what feels a 1000 years. I have seen his ups and downs and trust me there is many more downs then ups he was crazy, manipulative, and just plan rude. But Davina changed him for the better. I remember the first time I met Davina well we didn't quite get off on a good start. But now I am happy to call her my sister." She says then sits back down then Klaus comes up.

"Kol you are my brother I have seen you kill villages hell even cities.-" Klaus starts before Kol cuts him off.

"Wow thanks it's my wedding night and you are trying to ruin it."

"Will you shut up and let me finish. God you are the worst. OK like I said before I was rudely interrupted. I have seen him at his worst. Davina on the other hand when I met her we were not to say friends-"

"That's an understatement." I say cutting him off.

"Oh my god will anyone ever let me finish. You two are perfect for each other. Now will you let me god damn finish." He says and me and Kol give him a nod smiling. "So me and Davina hated each other. I tried to kill her one week she tried to kill me the next. And I blame the parenting for that-"

"Hey don't blame me you are a son of a bitch." Marcel interrupted.  

"The next person who interrupts me gets there head removed form there body. Now were was I right me and Davina hated each other. But then Kol came back to life and the hate died own a little. Then well she died. And Kol was an idiot and made a deal to bring her back-"

"I wasn't being an idiot Nik I did it for the girl I loved."

"Oh my god don't make me get a dagger. You know what screw it I wish you two a happy life." Klaus says walking down and sitting in his seat next to Kol. Then Marcel went.

"When Davina firs told me she told me she was seeing someone she told me he stood her up and I told her that I would kill him. little did I know that guy was Kol  Mikealson I would have killed him way before she even met him. But then I saw her after she lost him. I saw how lost she was when she lost him and when she brought him back to life she was happier then I have ever seen her before well except for when they had a there child and was one big happy family with no problems. But Kol I am warning you-"

"I know you are going to bite into my neck and kill me." Kol said sarcastically. The rest of the night me and Kol dance eat cake and throw the bouquet Hayley catches it.

"Are you ready?" Rebekah asks as I go upstairs to et out of my wedding dress and grab my bags for the honeymoon.

"Yes." I say as I change into jeans and a t-shirt because we are flying.

"Ok bye sis." Rebekah says and puts me in a hug. We are pretty good friends.

"Mommy I don't want you to leave." Cami says.

"I know but I will be back in 3 weeks. And you can will fun with all your aunts and uncles and Hope." I say and pull her in a hug.

"But I am going to miss you and Daddy." She says still hugging me.

"I know baby we are going to miss you too." I say looking up at Kol who was in the door way.

"OK I love you mommy." She says and kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you too." Kol says to me. And hugs Cami goodbye. We say goodbye to everyone and then get on a private plane to a private island.

Hi I hope you liked it. It took me a little while I will right about the honey moon in the next chapter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!! I need an idea about a threat and I love reading comments. I will be updating soon maybe tomorrow but I promise before Tuesday

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