Part 26

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I like this family. They are very nice and Rebekah is so nice I am sad that I will have to kill them all. But if I don't kill them she will find me.


"Hey Davina." I yell from the bedroom.

"Yes?" She asks with shopping bags in her hands her Hayley and Rebekah went shopping. Freya and Keelin are on a cruise. I kiss her.

"Is that all you needed?" Davina asked annoyingly at me kissing her.

"Well I want to kiss me beautiful wife so yes that is all I need." I say which makes her scoff and walk away.

'Hey what's wrong love?" I ask grabbing her arm.

"Kol you said after the honeymoon you would turn me. It has been a week and still witchy powers." Davina said angrily and grabbed a pillow and threw it at me with her magic. Then she walked away.

"Davina, I figured you didn't want to be a vampire and I didn't want to make you do it." I say.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I am happy becoming a vampire." She says.

"When you are done torturing your wife I need Davina." Rebekah says and Davina walks off with her after saying goodbye.

"Nick you want to do something?" I ask.

"Don't torture me just because Davina is giving you the cold shoulder."

"Hey we made up already."

"That's not what she said 2 minutes ago before leaving with Rebekah."

"What. I told her she could be a vampire and she said she wanted too."

"No she doesn't she just wants to spend forever wit you there is a difference." Marcel said.

"She is a witch and will always want to be a witch. But she loves you and that's why she is ok with turning. But if you urn her she won't be a witch and a part of her will always hate you for that. There is no way to win this argument." Klaus said. Which he is right I mean I love Davina and I want to be with her but I don't want her to hate me so we can spend forever together.

"So what should I do?" I ask not knowing what to do.

"Tell her that you love her and say that what ever she chooses you will be happy with. Still give her vamp blood in coffee and pray that she dies." Klaus said.

"That is the smartest and sickest plan ever." I say. I mean I am praying that the girl I love will die. That is sick.

"Hey guys." Davina said walking upstairs.

"Davina, you know I love you and that I am happy with whatever you choose.-"

"And you are praying I somehow die." Davina said pissed the hell off. She must of heard the conversation.

"How unsecure do you think I am I can handle my own decisions. I want to be a vampire and if you don't want to do it fine I will find someone who has the guts to do it." She yelled storming out of the compound. Rebekah following.


"I can't believe Kol." I scoff.

"I know he needs to grow up. And just bloody turn you it's what you want." Rebekah says trying clam me down. I think I want it I mean I love Kol and I want to spend the rest of my life with him but I love being a witch and I am afraid when I am a vampire I will be changed.

"I know it's just I love him and want to be with him, but I love being a witch and I don't want to stop being the thing I love but I don't want lose the person I love." I say.

"And I love you as a witch but I want to be with you forever." Kol says from behind and I smile.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you it's just I don't know what I want let alone what you want." I say and Rebekah gets up form the booth we were sitting at and left Rousseau's.

"That's how I feel. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you I am just scared that you will hate me if I make you choose between being a witch or me. I can't make you choose that. I didn't get an option in becoming a vampire and I don't want the same fate for you. I love you" Kol says.

"I love you too." I say and we kiss.

"So does this mean you are not mad at me?"

"As long as you are not mad at me."

"Love why would I be mad at you?" Kol asked.

"I just figured you wanted me to become a vampire so we can be together." I say looking down.

"Darling I don't care if you are a vampire or not. I just love you and don't want to lose you." Kol says which makes me hug him and we leave.


Little did they know is that I heard the entire conversation. So the witch wants to become a vampire interesting maybe this will be easier than I though it would be. By the end of the year the Mikealsons will die and so will everyone who fights for them.

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