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Me and Elijah follow the mystery women out of the compound, I could see Rebekah and Davina's eyes shoot up as I walked up and out the door ocompanied by Elijah. We follow the brentutte a few blocks down into an unopcomapined ally. She still isn't facing us as she spoke "I know who tried to kill you" She restates "Who is it?" Elijah asked unpatiently and untrustly. "Look if I tell you she will kill me and I like to survive but she slautered my entire family so I will tell you... on one conditions you keep my safe." She says and just as I was about to speak she turns around and we see her entire face, me and Elijah look at eachother and give a nod "Ok but only if you tell us you are and you better keep your promise or I will rip out your heart myself." Eliajh threathens. "My name is Rachel, Rachel Blake. And who is conspiring against you is..." She wasn't even able to get a letter out before witches appered all over and were chanting something that brung all three of us to out knees. "She does not wnat them to know not yet!" One of the witches yelled. "I am going to rip you limp to limp." I threaten, "You wouldn't dare hurting me!" She yelled sounding like she knew somehing that they didn't. All the sudden all the witches poffed them selfs gone, like they were never there in the first place. "Damit." Rachel curses herself. "Damit Damit Damit, do you understand what this mean they know I teamed up with you and if I know then she knows." rcahel says more to herself than anyone, emphasizeing the last part. "Why are you so afraid of her?" I ask. "You don't ge it do you, you might have defeted the hollow but you have seen nothing of the dark arts. The holllow is nothing compared to her, she can destroy this entire city in just the blink of an eye." She says. "So why is she so hell bent on my family?" Elijah asks, as if he does. "Because of the reason you have always been targeted it's because you are the oldest and the strongest and everyone wants that." Rachel pelpies clearly aggervated. "Look we need to het back and tell everyone what and who this is." I state. "No, I can't if I tell you or even think of telling you she will find me, and hunt me down for eternity!" She says and starts to walk off the other way but before she can get anywhere I speed n front of her "oh you aren't going anywhere" I say grabbing her arm dragging her to where Elijah is standing and gently tossing her to him "We had a deal you tell us and we keep you alive" "We are way past that point now even your family can't save you from her, she is full of darkness and evil it will consume you." She says terrified. Me and Elijah share a look and vamp back to the compound to tell the others.

As we walk through the compound door's I can see Rebekah pacing back and forth holding her finger to her mouth. "Thank god you are ok!" She says as she sees us walk through the door. She comes over to me and slaps me right across my face. "That's for running of and making me worried sick about you..."She says and pulls me into a hug "Damit Marcel." She whispers. "What happened?" Hayley asks standing next to Elijah. "Well Rachel over here was about to tell us who has been plotting against us until a bunch of witches ambushed us." Elijah explains. "And who is it?" Klaus asks urgently. "We don't know she wouldn't tell us." I say looking over to see her as she nods. "What do you mean she won't tell us?" Klaus says angrily. "If I tell you who she is she will come for me and give me a fait worse than death." Rachel replies. "And what do you think we are going to do with you?" Klaus yells. "Dad!" Hope yells in hope to calm her father's rage. Klaus waits a moment before speaking again "Fine we will find her ourselves you may go." He says and directs it to Rachel she solemnly nods her head before walking out the door.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I yell. "We can't just make her tell us. We are better then that!" Klaus yells back. "Klaus's right, I mean we can't forse her to help us expessically if it puts her life in danger too." Davina says. "Your right, let's just forget about it, I don't know about you but I could use a drink." I say and walk into the compound with my hand on Rebekah's waist.


I speed down the streets of New Orleans to get to the Hotel Sweet I am staying at. I get into my sweet and swiftly pack up my clothes, putting my gun in the back of my jeans. Throw my back over my back and get into my car. As I drive past the New Orleans sign when I see someone in the middle of the rode holding out there hand chanting something that made my car flip over. I feel something warm down my forehead, and I eel as my breathe slow's down to the point where I am no more.

Sorry it took me slow long to update but I have been trying to make this chapter as good as I can and it is not great since I wanted to update today but I hope you like it. Drama is happening for the Mikealson's. Will they survive this mysterious evil that is luking in the shadows? Vote and Comment

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