The beginning

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"2 weeks. 2 weeks since we heard anything of the threat, it is getting rather irritating Elijah." Klaus says, from the dinning room. I over hear there conversation, "Everyone is getting restless but that is what they want. We need to be patient and think this through." Elijah replies trying to calm an annoyed original. "I agree with Elijah if we walk into this fight half cocked we will all be slaughtered, we have seen what the pathetic witches could do, we are not going to win without thinking of every possible outcome, and knowing what we are fighting against." Kol agrees. "Then what do we do?" I ask walking in on there little squabble. "Kol is right we need to figure who and what we are up against. Without that we are just signed up to die." Rebekah replies. "So how do we do that?" Marcel asks the obvious question that we were all asking ourselves. "Simple we find the witch Rachel and make her tell us what she knows." Klaus says murderously. "I don't think that will work, I have been trying to find her since we let her go and she is nowhere to be found, it's like she just disappeared." Freya says walking into the room. "Or she is dead." Klaus says saying what we all feared "well if that witch was just going to die couldn't she just bloody tell us what she knew." Klaus continues "Maybe we can see." Freya says waling out the door. W all know what she meant, she did it before she is going to look threw her mind. "That sounds like great but we have bigger issues." Hayley replies walking into the compound with Josh by her side. "Josh what is going on?" I ask concerned. "We found this written in a cemetery, I saw it while visiting Cami." Josh replies holding up his phone, showing us all a picture of something written in a language I can't read. "What does it say?" I ask looking at Kol who has the phone is his hand reading each marking carefully. "It is Aetherian. Roughly translate to From the ashes that we fall the phoenix will rise." He replies. "Well at least we know what this lunatic is calling itself first it was the hollow now the phoenix, where the hell do these people get these stupid names. Nickname R us." Klaus says making all of us grin and roll our eyes, but it doesn't stop the fact that deep down in the core of all of us we are afraid of what will happen next.

That is where this chapter ends. Sorry I didn't post last week but I was busy with Holidays an other things. I hope you liked it. What do you think the phoenix? This story is going to end soon in the next few chapters, but I thought it would be less, I guess not.

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