Part 13

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DAVINA'S POV The next morning

I look beside me and there is know one. Wow hat is weird I haven't slept alone since I came back to life. I get up and still in my pjs I go down stairs. I walk down stairs and I see Kol in the kitchen. I run over and jump in his arms and give him a huge kiss.

"When did you get here?" I ask gazing in his eyes.

"Last night. And I-" Kol said before getting interrupted.

"I came alone." Rebekah said walking into the kitchen. I just look and see that they are in the same room and I kiss Kol again.

"Daddy?" I hear Cami say walking down the stairs. Running in to her dads arms. Kol kneeled down hugging his daughter.

"Who might this little one be?" Rebekah asked.

"Rebekah this is Cami. Cami this is your Aunt Rebekah" I say.

"Hi Aunt Rebekah." Cami said giving her a hug.

'How about some breakfast? Davina can I talk to you?" Kol asked and took my hand upstairs.

"Ya sure" I reply walking upstairs to our bedroom with Kol.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked walking into our bedroom.

"I was wondering if you would want to go back to New Orleans and live in the compound?" Kol asked.

"Yes I mean Cami should be with her family. And as long as Klaus promises not to kill me yes." I say smiling kissing Kol.

'Wow I thought you wouldn't want to go to back." Kol said.

"I missed New Orleans so much, so ya I want to go back." I said

"Good." Kol said kissing me again and opening the door so we could go back down stairs.

"Cami can you go upstairs and pack your things?" I ask while Cami is finishing her donut.

"Why are we going somewhere?" Cami asked.

"As a matter of fact we are we are moving back to New Orleans." I say which made Rebekah smile.

"Really so does that mean I can see Aunt Freya and Aunt Keelin?" Cami asked will fully because one time when she was 5 me and Kol wanted a weekend to ourselves so Cami stayed with Freya and Keelin.

"You can see all of your aunts and uncles darling."Kol said still kneeling beside Cami.

"Ya but only if you go upstairs and pack your things" I said.

So after everyone is packed we start to leave to go to New Orleans.
I am sitting in the front,Kol is driving,and Rebekah is in the back talking to Cami. I am looking out the window. We decided to drive there because Cami is afraid of heights and hates flying.

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